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Updated: August 25, 2024

Here, the route from Mende to St. Enimie by way of Sauveterre is described also in the fewest possible words, two pages being found sufficient for short descriptions of the gorges of the Tarn by way of Florac, St. Enimie and the valley of the Joute. Montpellier-le-Vieux, for the very good reason mentioned above, is still absent. But just a year later we find the guide-book remodelled altogether.

Having relinquished the Causses, the rapids of the Tarn, and Montpellier-le-Vieux for this year, I had hired a carriage, intending to drive straight across the Lozere, sleeping at St. Chely, to St. Flour, chef-lieu of the Cantal, thence making excursions to the two departments. I wanted especially to see Condat-es-Feniers and La Chaldette, the two sweet spots already alluded to.

This youthful head of the family possesses a large tract of Causse land, besides owning in great part what may prove in the future is, indeed, already proving a mine of wealth, an El Dorado, namely, the city of rocks, Montpellier-le-Vieux. We now set out, our host, whilst quite ready to chat, possessing all the dignity and reserve of the Lozerien mountaineer.

I should keep mules for tourists, horses and carriages, improve the roads, and furnish my house better. There is to be a model of Montpellier-le-Vieux at the grand exhibition in Paris next year; that will make people come here more than ever. I have almost decided to do as I say. I thought to myself that the model of a house constructed on strictly scientific principles should be exhibited also.

"Madame la comtesse is well informed," Lanyard returned, phlegmatic. "One hears what one hears." "One had the misfortune to fall foul of an assassin," Lanyard took the trouble to explain. "An assassin!" "The same Apache who attacked with others the party from Montalais at Montpellier-le-Vieux." "And you were wounded?" Lanyard assented. The lady made a shocked face and uttered appropriate noises.

If hopelessly victimized and taken by surprise, Lanyard should have been better remembered by the man who had fought him at Montpellier-le-Vieux and again, with others assisting, on the road to Nant; though it is quite possible, of course, that Dupont failed to recognise his ancient enemy in clean-shaven Monsieur Paul Martin of the damp and bedraggled evening clothes.

But the megalithic monuments of Brittany are like arrow-heads compared to the stones of Montpellier-le-Vieux. In placing these and in giving them that mimicry of familiar forms at times so startling to human eyes, Nature has been the sole engineer and artist. There is but one theory by which the working cause of the existing phenomena can be brought to our understanding.

"When had you known him?" "First when I fought with him at Montpellier-le-Vieux, later when he sought to do me in on the outskirts of Nant. He was the fugitive chauffeur of the Château de Montalais." "But name of a sacred name! what had that one to do with de Lorgnes?" "If you will tell me that, there will be no more mystery in this sad affair." The woman brooded heavily for a moment.

On seeing rocks covering several acres, and looking like the ruins of a great city of the past, they could think of no better name for it than 'Lou Clapas Biel, or 'old heap of stones. This turned into French becomes Montpellier-le-Vieux.

Wonderful the scenery of the Causses, still more wonderful the canon or gorge of the Tarn and the dolomite city of Montpellier-le-Vieux, so I now learned. There were difficulties in the way of seeing all these. I had been unexpectedly detained at Dijon.

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