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Howard Saunders has given plates of the first three primaries of L. melanocephalus and L. ridibundus, both being from birds of the year shot about March, in his paper on the Larinae, published in the 'Proceedings of the Zoological Society' for the year 1878. LITTLE GULL. Larus minutus, Pallas. French, "Mouette pygmée."

So they had his poor little body stuffed, and propped him up with wire in the way they thought he looked nicest, and wrote a brand new ticket for him SOREX MINUTUS. The lesser shrew. The smallest British quadruped. Thus was one unique distinction stolen from the harvest mouse.

The Romans said minutus when they meant small, and nowadays when we speak of any very small fish we say minnow. Alewife in old English was applied to the women, usually very stout dames, who kept alehouses. The corpulency of the fish to which the same term is given explains its derivation.

I have already mentioned nearly all the mammalia common in this country. Of armadilloes three species occur, namely, the Dasypus minutus or pichy, the D. villosus or peludo, and the apar. The first extends ten degrees farther south than any other kind; a fourth species, the Mulita, does not come as far south as Bahia Blanca.

I have already mentioned nearly all the mammalia common in this country. Of armadilloes three species occur namely, the Dasypus minutus or pichy, the D. villosus or peludo, and the apar. The first extends ten degrees further south than any other kind; a fourth species, the Mulita, does not come as far south as Bahia Blanca.

Testa perforata, depresso-convexa, laevigata, nitidiuscula, pallide cornea, basi subcompressa; anfractus 6, planiusculi; spira obtusa; apertura lunaris; peristoma rectum, simplex, margine columellari reflexo: umbilicus minutus, subobtectus. Diam. maj. 8 min. 7 alt. 5 mill.

Other animals, more respectful of property, avoid using another's dwelling until it is abandoned by its proprietor, and no reproach of indelicacy can be addressed to the Gobius minutus, a fish which lives on our coasts at the mouth of rivers. The female lays beneath overturned shells, remains of Oysters, or Cardium shells.

Strictly speaking minutus ought to be used of things which are fragments of larger things, minutus being really the participle passive of minuo. Cf. 46 pocula minuta; also below, 85 minuti philosophi. MALLEOLI: vine-cuttings; so called because a portion of the parent stem was cut away with the new shoot, leaving the cutting in the shape of a mallet.

Murray, A., on the Pediculi of different races of men. Murray, T.A., on the fertility of Australian women with white men. Mus coninga. Mus minutus, sexual difference in the colour of. Musca vomitoria. Muscicapa grisola. Muscicapa luctuosa. Muscicapa ruticilla, breeding in immature plumage. Muscle, ischio-pubic.

Gray informs me that he specified the African squirrels, because, from their unusually bright colours, they best exhibit this difference. The female of the Mus minutus of Russia is of a paler and dirtier tint than the male. In a large number of bats the fur of the male is lighter than in the female. J.A. Allen, in 'Bulletin of Mus. Comp. Zoolog. of Cambridge, United States, 1869, p. 207. Mr.