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To that era belong the deep beds of oyster shells and Cardium edule, which are still found at the bottom of the fjord. And now, after an interval of centuries, during which the lagoon contained no salt-water shell fish, it again produces great numbers of Mytilus edulis.

I say, to one of the great red capsicums which hang drying in every Covent-garden seedsman's window. Yet is either simile better than the guess of a certain lady, who, entering a room wherein a couple of Cardium tuberculatum were waltzing about a plate, exclaimed, "Oh dear! I always heard that my pretty red coral came out of a fish, and here it is all alive!" "C. tuberculatum," says Mr.

Among the Acephala are to be named a large Cardium, also found on the Californian coast; Modiolus, two species; Mytilus; Mya, two species; and Teredo palmulatus: the latter, which is brought here by the ships, is very mischievous in the harbour, and attains to the length of two feet.

The great oyster is here numerous in layers; the Trigonocelia and Turritella are also very numerous: it is remarkable that the Pecten Paranensis, so common in all other parts of the coast, is here absent: the shells consist of: Ostrea Patagonica, d'Orbigny; "Voyage Pal." Venus meridionalis of G.B. Sowerby. 4. Crassatella Lyellii, G.B. Sowerby. 5. Cardium puelchum, G.B. Sowerby. 6.

By far the greater number of the recent marine species occurring in the several Crag formations are still inhabitants of the British seas; but even these differ considerably in their relative abundance, some of the commonest of the Crag shells being now extremely scarce as, for example, Buccinum Dalei while others, rarely met with in a fossil state, are now very common, as Murex erinaceus and Cardium echinatum.

Fusus difficilis, d'Orbigny, "Voyage, Part Pal." 5. Pyrula longirostra, d'Orbigny, "Voyage, Part Pal." 6. Pleurotoma Araucana, d'Orbigny, "Voyage, Part Pal." 7. Cardium auca, d'Orbigny, "Voyage, Part Pal." 8. Cardium acuticostatum, d'Orbigny, "Voyage, Part Pal." 9. Venus auca, d'Orbigny, "Voyage, Part Pal." 10. Mactra cecileana, d'Orbigny, "Voyage, Part Pal." 11.

Cardium dissimile. 1/4 natural size. Ostrea expansa. It supplies the well-known building-stone of which St. Paul's and so many of the principal edifices of London are constructed. About fifty species of mollusca occur in this formation, among which are some ammonites of large size.

Could we obtain a deep section of the bottom, we should find beds of Ostrea edulis and Cardium edule, then a layer of Zostera marina with fresh-water fish, and then a bed of Mytilus edulis.

Cardium Platense, d'Orbigny, "Voyage" Pal. 8. Tellina, probably nov. species, but too imperfect for description. Lithasteriscus tuberculatus. Lithodontium bursa. Lithodontium furcatum. Lithodontium rostratum. Lithostylidium Amphiodon. Lithostylidium Clepsammidium. Lithostylidium Hamus. Lithostylidium polyedrum. Lithostylidium quadratum. Lithostylidium rude. Lithostylidium Serra.

In the North-eastern province we find off Cumberland Island in 27 fathoms, also on a muddy bottom, species of Murex, Nassa, Turritella, Ranella pusilla, a Fusus, Cancellaria antiquata, a Terebra, two Dentalia, a Natica, a Terebellum, a Scalaria, a Cardium, a Venus, a Nucula, a Pecten, and a Spondylus.

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