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Toads, male, treatment of ova by some; male, ready to breed before the female. Todas, infanticide and proportion of sexes; practice polyandry; choice of husbands amongst. Toe, great, condition of, in the human embryo. Tomicus villosus, proportion of the sexes in. Tomtit, blue, sexual difference of colour in the. Tonga Islands, beardlessness of the natives of. Tooke, Horne, on language.

Males and females, comparative numbers of; comparative mortality of, while young. Malherbe, on the woodpeckers. Mallotus Peronii. Mallotus villosus. Malthus, T., on the rate of increase of population. Maluridae, nidification of the. Malurus, young of. Mammae, rudimentary, in male mammals; supernumerary, in women; of male human subject. Mammalia, Prof. Owen's classification of; genealogy of the.

They had no idea how it was made, and of course did not give it the name it now bears. Instead they called it Villosus, meaning shaggy hair. It is from this quaint old term that our modern word velvet is derived." The children smiled.

I have already mentioned nearly all the mammalia common in this country. Of armadilloes three species occur, namely, the Dasypus minutus or pichy, the D. villosus or peludo, and the apar. The first extends ten degrees farther south than any other kind; a fourth species, the Mulita, does not come as far south as Bahia Blanca.

And what is true of Rubus villosus is probably true of all plants, though in varying degrees. If we failed to find the same true of other vines and bushes, which for our purposes bore blossoms only, the explanation is not far to seek. Our perceptions, æsthetic and gastronomic, were unequally developed.

I have already mentioned nearly all the mammalia common in this country. Of armadilloes three species occur namely, the Dasypus minutus or pichy, the D. villosus or peludo, and the apar. The first extends ten degrees further south than any other kind; a fourth species, the Mulita, does not come as far south as Bahia Blanca.

I do not know of a more striking instance in the animal kingdom of adaptation of structure to habit than is afforded by the hairy armadillo Dasypus villosus.

Gunther's 'Record of Zoological Literature, 1867, p. 260. On the excess of female Lucanus, ibid, p. 250. On the males of Lucanus in England, Westwood, 'Modern Classification of Insects, vol. i. p. 187. Mr. Janson stated at the Entomological Society that the females of the bark feeding Tomicus villosus are so common as to be a plague, whilst the males are so rare as to be hardly known.

Jaguars, black. Janson, E.W., on the proportions of the sexes in Tomicus villosus; on stridulant beetles. Japan, encouragement of licentiousness in. Japanese, general beardlessness of the; aversion of the, to whiskers. Jardine, Sir W., on the Argus pheasant. Jarrold, Dr., on modifications of the skull induced by unnatural position. Jarves, Mr., on infanticide in the Sandwich Islands.