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It was that J. A. D. McCurdy, in a Curtiss biplane I think it was and by golly! he got to circling around and racing and tipping so's I thought I'd loose my hat off, I was so excited. And, say, what do you think? I see McCurdy himself, afterward, standing near one of the the handgars handsome young chap, not over twenty-eight or thirty, built like a half-miler.

I quote the story in his own words: Frank P. Walsh, Amos Pinchot, Frederic C. Howe, J. A. H. Hopkins, Allen McCurdy and I were present throughout the trial of the sixteen women in July. Immediately after the police court judge had pronounced his sentence of sixty days

J.B., I'll only give you one guess whether he quits his job or not." "Thasso!" admitted Breede dejectedly. "He'll show up all right in the morning, mark me," said the largest director, regaining confidence. "Sneaking snake in the grass," muttered the oldest director, yet without his wonted vim. "I'll telephone to McCurdy, right in the next block here," continued the largest director.

That night Captain McCurdy lost his life by the falling of a large birch tree, which one of the rangers cut down on the hillside the tree came thundering down the mountain and killed the Captain instantly, Lieutenant Moses Hazen succeeded to the command, and the party continued up the river to St.

Like Bathurst I thought one of the others took it." "And you, Kitteridge?" "I did not take it, sir." "You surely have it, Johnson?" "No, sir, I was under the impression that you had taken it away with you." "And you, McCurdy?" McCurdy shook his head. "Then Kenton, as you were the last to rise, you certainly have it."

She gave her keys to her niece, and says she: "Go in the house, my dear, and set out the decanter and glasses, and give Captain Markley a glass of wine to keep him until we come back. I want to tell him something more about that Shanghai rooster." Juliana understood, and took the keys, and rolled her eyes tantalizingly at Dr. McCurdy.

Though it was said Juliana Gunning could not hear thunder, she generally understood her aunt's voice, and could tell when she was being talked about. She came straight to her own rescue, as you might say, and Dr. McCurdy, poor man, was very polite, but not cheerful.

For brief reading: DE COULANGES, The Ancient City, Chaps. I-X. LECKY, History of European Morals, Chap. V. SCHMIDT, Social Results of Early Christianity, Chap. For more extended reading: HEARN, The Aryan Household. HOWARD, History of Matrimonial Institutions. GROTE, History of Greece. MOMMSEN, The History of Rome. On the early Hebrew family: MCCURDY, History, Prophecy, and the Monuments, Vol.

At seven o'clock, McCurdy pulled in the local passenger with engine 105. Our plan was to cancel the load and run him right out with the oranges. When he got in, he reported that the 105 had sprung a tire; this threw us out entirely. There was a hurried conference in the round-house. "What can you do?" asked the Superintendent in desperation. "There's only one thing I can do.

"I have been showing the captain my chickens," she says, "and now I want to show you my cows." Dr. McCurdy thanked her, and said he would be delighted to see the cows, but he stuck to Juliana like a shadow. Maybe he expected the cows would give him a further excuse for being with her. But Mrs. Gunning cut him off there.