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Updated: August 11, 2024

If Lienhard came now, her fate would be decided, and she knew that he must come. Just before noon, he really did rap with the knocker on the outer door. He wanted the christening gift, which Frau Schurstab had forgotten to take for the infant. The money was in the chest in the matron's room. Kuni led the way. The house seemed to reel around her as she went up the stairs behind him.

I noticed that there was less room than usual to-night between the collegian's chair and mine. As people are always taciturn in the dark, not a word was said for some time after my entrance. Nothing broke the stillness but the regular click of the matron's knitting-needles.

For there in that matron's office the matron was not there stood Nyoda, and there stood the Frog, and he had his arms around her and he was kissing her! By the time we had gotten our breath back again they were miles apart, nearly the whole width of the carpet runner, and the Frog had his goggles off and explanations were in full swing.

The deeply agitated girl had just released herself from the matron's embrace, and begged the knight to have her Roland saddled; but Frau Christine stopped him, and entreated Cordula, for her sake, to use her sedan-chair instead of the horse. "If it will gratify you," replied the countess smiling; "but I should reach home safely on the piebald." "Who doubts it?" asked the matron.

She was dressed in black, and wore what the newspaper advertisement called a 'matron's coat. The decade had not passed by her and left no trace. She had been appointed to a share in the mysterious purpose. Her bust, too, was ampler; only her face, rather pale like the face of Lois, was unaltered in its innocent contours. He felt that he was blushing.

"My Alciphron has a heart!" cried the house-keeper. "You shall receive from me, on the day of your departure, the same sum and a matron's blue robe," said Lysander. Shortly after the marriage of Xanthe and Phaon, Semestre went to live with her daughter.

"I," answered Resa, blushing; and then Hyldreda perceived that, young as she was, the girl wore the matron's head-tire. "I, sitting there with my babe, wept to think of my poor sister who died long ago, and never knew the sweetness of wifehood and motherhood. And almost it grieved me, to think that my love had blotted out the bitterness of her memory even from the heart of Esbern Lynge."

The store as it stood, shelves, counters, and all, became the "linen-room," and was piled from floor to ceiling with bedding and clean clothing. The back "shed-room" was the matron's own. A rough table, planed on the top, stood in the centre. With the exception of one large rocking-chair, kindly donated by a lady of Ringgold, Georgia, boxes served for chairs.

"I should like to hear what she's got to say to me," said he, looking boldly, almost savagely, into Mrs. Neefit's face. According to that matron's ideas this was the proper way in which maidens should be wooed and won; and, though Polly had at first declared that she had nothing at all to say to Mr. Moggs, she allowed herself at last to be led forth.

Because of my being constantly referred to as the person for such office, I requested permission to retire for brief prayer, also to give them more freedom. Going to the matron's room, I bowed before the Lord, earnestly petitioned to know the mind of his Spirit, and sought a test.

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