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"I'll be dead soon," went on the malicious, purring voice from the bed. "Don't begrudge me my last fling. When I am in my grave you will be safe. Nobody in the living world but me knows young John Massey's alive.

"I hope there's nothing wrong," muttered Oliver, swinging the car into its highest speed as they dashed down the road. John Massey's house lay still and dark in the moonlight, its windows staring with the blank eyes that an uninhabited dwelling always shows the moment home life has gone out of it.

That was all the world knew, was ever to know for the Holidays and John Massey kept the dead man's secret well. And the grass grew green on Alan Massey's grave. The sun and dew and rain laid tender fingers upon it and great crimson and gold hearted roses strewed their fragrant petals upon it year by year.

To ride in a spring-cart seemed a very miserable lot indeed to her now. The Night-School and the Schoolmaster Bartle Massey's was one of a few scattered houses on the edge of a common, which was divided by the road to Treddleston.

But she did not say this, even to excited Maizie; she was gathering impressions and burnishing them with her vivid imagination. Once her gaze fell on Miss Massey's long, slender, tired-looking hands. Her mother's hands, Suzanna recalled, were tired-looking, too, but in a different way.

Mr. Massey's ingenuity in getting over a difficulty is as great as his faculty of construction. But Mr. Massey is not to be put down so easily.

Of this, the moment they reached her deck, they were convinced when they caught sight of Owen Massey's figure, cutlass in hand, backed by Dan and Pompey, combating with an overwhelming number of enemies, who appeared already to have gained possession of the greater part of the ship. Among those who formed the boarding-party was Dillon, who showed as much alacrity as any one.

If he failed through negligence and here the expressive gesture and the gurgle were repeated . The sentence had not needed completion. The matter was sufficiently elucidated. The man was a born healer as has been recorded but even if he had not been he would still have felt obliged to move heaven and earth so far as in him lay to cure Dick Carson. Alan Massey's manner was persuasive.

In Massey's store?" gasped Marty, when his cousin fitted a key to the lock. "Come in and shut the door. Now stand right where you are while I light the lamp," commanded Janice. She lit the hanging lamp over the table. The soft glow of it was soon flung down upon the dull brown cloth. Marty stared around with mouth agape.

Massey's own statement, was "getting on for forty." The fact is that she was just thirty-five, having been born, as he tells us, in 1563. According to the obvious meaning of the Sonnets, the lady spoken of is much younger than Shakespeare, instead of a year older, and, according to Mr. Massey, Lady Rich was at that time in the midst of her love-affair with Mountjoy.