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For while I stood thus, Otomie clasped my hand, and whispering, 'Fly, fly swiftly! led me away from the stone of sacrifice. 'Whither shall we go? I said at length. 'Were it not better to trust to the mercy of the Spaniards? 'To the mercy of that man-devil with the sword? she answered. 'Peace, Teule, and follow me.

He went to the beaded curtain, raised it, and stepped into the flood of warm sunlight. The voluptuous, agonizing music came in a wave over him. Tragedy, poignant misery, rang through every note, swelled in a stream which drowned the senses. This man-devil could play, Stafford remarked, cynically, to himself. "A moment Fellowes," he said, sharply. The music frayed into a discord and stopped.

They called him Napao Wetikoo the man-devil. This was under their breath a name whispered sinisterly in the glow of tepee fires, or spoken softly where not even the winds might carry it to the ears of Bush McTaggart. They feared him; they hated him.

Man is as his principles are, and wandering under the influence of those savage-taught habits, in which he has been nurtured, which tend to harden the heart, and narrow all the sources of sympathy, the character of the North American Indian is bold, fierce, unrelenting, sanguinary, and cruel; in fact, a man-devil in war, rejoicing in blood, exulting in the torments he is inflicting on his victim, and then most pleased when his inflictions are most exquisite.

And the next day Pierrot would have an answer for him. Bush McTaggart chuckled again as he went to bed. Until the next to the last day Pierrot said nothing to Nepeese about what had passed between him and the factor at Lac Bain. Then he told her. "He is a beast a man-devil," he said, when he had finished. "I would rather see you out there with her dead."

Three angles were clipped, the fourth was doubled under. He turned it back and disclosed the initials B. R. 'This also is the work of our man-devil, as I thought. I begin to think that we shall be eternally thwarted, until we first clear our Italy of its vermin. Here is a weazel, a snake, a tiger, in one. They call him the Great Cat. He fancies himself a patriot, he is only a conspirator.

Sime hesitated to touch any of the dead bats, surveying them with an ill-concealed repugnance. "What kind of creature," he whispered, "has done this?" "One of a kind that the world has not known for many ages! The most evil kind of creature conceivable a man-devil!" "But what does he want with bats' heads?" "The Cynonycteris, or pyramid bat, has a leaf-like appendage beside the nose.