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Black and white and maltee and blue and red and green " "Green! What ARE you talking about? Who ever saw a green cat?" "This woman saw one that was part green and she bought it. Then she said she'd take it right along in her car. Said she had a friend that was as loony about cats as she was and she was goin' to fetch her right down the very next day.

Later, when he was by the fire and she had done skillful work with water and cotton cloth, and the pain would let him, he looked at her again. "You an' mother ain't no more alike than a black an' a maltee," he said. "Hullo! what you cryin' for?" The tears were splashing her swift hands. "I dunno," she answered shortly. "Yes, I do, too. You speak some like Willard."

"When a boat gets full of water, because o' leakin' sides or heavy rains or shippin' seas, or whatever they calls it, you bail her out with a tin can or a sponge or anythin' you have by you." "Was Liza full of water?" "I was describin' boats," said Martha. "An' talkin' o' boats, did I tell you we got a new kitten to our house? He's a gray Maltee. His name is Nixcomeraus."

After a buffalo hunt with my original friend, Joe Ferris, I entered into partnership with Merrifield and Sylvane Ferris, and we started a cow ranch, with the maltese cross brand always known as "maltee cross," by the way, as the general impression along the Little Missouri was that "maltese" must be a plural.

She could not see his face, but his voice was more than conciliatory. "Eggscoose me, lady!" he began apologetically. "I haf for Mis' Slawson a liddle bresent here. I tink she like it. She look so goot-netchered, und I know she iss kind to bum animals. My vife, her Maltee cat vas having some liddle kittens already, a mont' ago. I tink Mis' Slawson, she lige to hef von off dem pussies, ja?

The shed was encumbered with barrels of inferior flour, and all around upon shelves lay the small short rolls, dark-looking and sour-tasting, which were sold in the camp for a shilling a piece. "Well, Joe, what's the news from Sebastopol to-day?" asked Shervinton. "Why you ask me, sare? I a poor Maltee baker sell bread, make money. Have nothing to do with fight." "You rascal!

"And the crew?" said Eve, wincing under Captain Triggs's figurative language. "Awh, the crew's right enuf a set o' gashly, smudge-faced raskils that's near half Maltee and t' other Lascar Injuns. Any jail-bird that flies their way 'ull find they's all of a feather. But here," he added, puzzled by the event: "how's this that you'm still mixed up with Adam so?

Seemed sometimes as if those kittens was solid fur all the way through; they never could have shed all that hair from the outside. Somebody told me that kittens never shed hair, 'twas only full grown cats did that. I don't believe it. Nate Rogers' old maltee never shed all that alone; allowin' her a half barrel, there was all of another barrel spread around the premises.

There was Castiglione's Tiger; this was Jones's Black; here was Pralitsky's "Torkershell," and this was Madame Danton's White; there sneaked Blenkinshoff's Maltee, and that climbing on the barrow was Sawyer's old Orange Billy, an impudent fraud that never had had any financial backing, all to be remembered and kept in account. This one's owner was sure pay, a dime a week; that one's doubtful.