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Fus' she 'lowed it wuz a hummin'-bird; den she thought it sounded lack her little Mose croonin' on her breas' way back yander on de ole plantation. En she des 'magine' it wuz her little Mose, en it made her feel bettah, en she went on 'bout her wuk pearter 'n she'd done sence she 'd be'n down dere.

An' a heap er rispec' you is got fer de mem'ry er my po' dead sister! "Mars Sam knowed w'at she 'lowed she seed wa'n't so; but he didn' let on, fer it only made him de safer. He wuz willin' fer her ter 'magine w'at she please', jes' so long ez she kep' out er his house an' let him alone.

"I kin 'magine yo' feelin's, Sis' Milly," chimed in the elder sympathetically, "w'en you come home dat night an' foun' yo' chist broke open, an' yo' money gone dat you had wukked an' slaved full f'm mawnin' 'tel night, year in an' year out, an' w'en you foun' dat no-'count nigger gone wid his clo's an' you lef' all alone in de worl' ter scuffle 'long by yo'self."

Does I ever tell 'im 'bout yo' gwines-on? Ef I did," he added to himself, as the young man disappeared down the street, "I wouldn' have time ter do nothin' e'se ha'dly. I don' know whether I'll ever see dat money agin er no, do' I 'magine de ole gent'eman wouldn' lemme lose it ef he knowed.

Dey couldn't be noth'n' mo' rep'ehensible!" Robelia vanished. Euonymus gazed into my eyes. "May I ax you a question, mi'ss?" "You may ask if you won't tell." "Oh, I won't tell! Is you a sho' enough 'oman? Lawd, I knowd you wa'n't! No mo'n you is a man! I seen it f'om de beginnin'!" "Why, boy, what do you imagine I am?" "Oh, I don't 'magine, I knows! 'T'uz me prayed Gawd to sen' you.

Graves brooked his tone with difficulty. "I shouldn't be here if I didn't think so too," he answered coolly. "Jes' so," agreed Jasper, absorbed in a sinker. "I c'd tell sumpin erbout a party thet I 'magine you'd cock yer ear t' hear." "Shelby?" "I 'magine I didn't jes' quite say. No, I 'magine not." "If you will exercise your imagination less, Mr.