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"It's time we were going. There's Tremendous K. passing now." Christina went back to the house to see if her mother needed anything before she left, and if Grandpa was comfortable in bed, and returned to the veranda where Sandy stood waiting for her. Bruce and Ellen were there ready to start, and Mary and young Mr. MacGillivray were already strolling down the lane.

In October, the vessels were at Cape York, waiting for Mr Kennedy, and receiving supplies from a storeship despatched from Sydney, and letters from the 'post-office' on Booby Island. In his capacity as naturalist and ethnologist, Mr Macgillivray made frequent excursions, collecting plants and animals, and words for a vocabulary.

It's just the sort of case he's at his best on and his best is something the medical journals write columns about. I wish he'd come. And then, soon after, he did come came on a stretcher with a bandage about his head and over his eyes. 'Macgillivray! cried the young doctor, and stood a moment staring, with his jaw dropped. 'Yes, said Macgillivray with lips tight drawn. 'It's me.

Given to Mr. Macgillivray by Mr. Thus, the Limbakarajia personal pronouns are: Here the pi in nga-pi is the po in the Aiawong nga-ppo; the gian in gian-at being, probably, the in in the Kowrarega ina = that, this. Ngalmo, also, is expressly stated to mean many as well as they, a fact which confirms the view taken of tana.

While absent in America, he had been elected a fellow of the Royal Society of London, and on May 6 took his seat in the great hall. He needed some competent person to assist him in getting his manuscript ready for publication and was so fortunate as to obtain the services of MacGillivray, the biographer of British Birds.

This war's a packet of surprises. Both sides are struggling for the margin, the little fraction of advantage, and between evenly matched enemies it's just the extra atom of foreknowledge that tells. 'Then we've got to push off and get after him, I said cheerfully. 'But what are you going to do? asked Macgillivray.

Even now I see her as she used to step out on the veranda, the lithe Indian girl, rivalling the choicest "desert- flower" of Arabia in the rich darkness of her eyes and hair, and in the warm mantling of her golden-ripe complexion, unutterably graceful in the thorough-bred ease of her elastic movements, Zosime MacGillivray, perfect type and model of the style and beauty of the brulée.

Macgillivray, is selected for description here; the figure is of the size of nature. Porcellanella triloba. Tab. 5 fig. 2.

Queensland has a monopoly over this handsome and remarkable tree, the genus to which it belongs being limited to a single species occurring nowhere else in a native state. Discovered by Banks and Solander at Cooktown in 1770, the second record of its existence, it is believed, was made from specimens obtained on this island by Macgillivray and Huxley in 1848.

Thus, the nightingale and crow have vocal organs similarly constructed, these being used by the former for diversified song, and by the latter only for croaking. Macgillivray, 'Hist. of British Birds, vol. ii. 1839, p. 29. An excellent observer, Mr.