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We stayed a day or two at a lodging in a detached teak villa in a compound which contained native servants, and crows ad nauseum it was dull, stupid and dear, and we were sorry we had not gone to the hotel, and our greatest pleasure was visiting the Shwey Pagoda again, and the greatest unpleasantness was getting on board the British India boat the "Lunka" for Calcutta.

On from Alsoo after Chota Hazree or first breakfast to Lunka, a small island, which is only fifty yards square, is thickly covered with pine trees, with trailing grape vines clinging around their boughs, on it stands an old ruin, and fallen pillars and carved stones litter the ground.

Then Rawunna turned him to his counsellors, and said, "What shall we do with this audacious fellow?" And with one voice all the counsellors cried, "Burn his tremendous tail!" And the king commanded: "Let all the dwarfs of Lunka Bring rags from near and far; Call all the dwarfs of Lunka To soak them all in tar!"

And he went forth, and stood at the head of Hoonamunta's monkey host, and called for a sword; and when they gave him one, it became alive in his hand, and was a sword of flame; and when they gave him a spear, lo! it became his slave, flying whithersoever he bade it, and striking where he listed. So Rama and Hoonamunta, with all their monkey host, took up their march for Lunka.

But when they beheld Hoonamunta, how he tore off roofs, and pelted them with tiles, how he climbed to the tops of pagodas, and jangled the sacred bells, how he laid his shoulder to the city walls and overthrew them, so that the noise of their fall was as the roar of the breakers on the far-off coast of Lunka when the Typhoon blows, then they cried, "A demon! a fiend from the halls of Yama!" and they gave chase with a mighty uproar, the gooroos, and the yogees, and the jugglers going first.

Then immediately they fell upon Lunka; and Rama slew Rawunna, the Monster, and rescued the delighted Seeta. And now those three sit together on a throne in heaven, Seeta, the faithful wife, on the left hand of Rama, and Hoonamunta on his right hand, the shrewd and courageous friend. Who would not be a monkey in Hindostan? Dr.

Then Hoonamunta turned him to his host, and said, "Bide here till I come, and be silent; break not the quiet of divine sorrow." And he went forth with mighty bounds. That night he came to Lunka. But the city slept; if Seeta yet lived, she, too, was silent; no cry of sorrow rose on the night; no stir, as of an unusual event, disturbed the stillness and the gloom.

But, behold you, as she bends over the prostrate yogee, and, saying, "Drink from the cup of Vishnu!" offers the crisp leaf to his dusty lips, a great spasm of desire impels the impostor; and, flinging off the yogee, he leaps erect, Rawunna, the Abhorred! With ten mouths he kisses her; with twenty arms he clasps her; and away, away to Lunka! while yet poor Seeta gasps with fear.

Thither the great men of Lunka followed him, the princes, and the Brahmins, and the victorious chieftains, the strong giants, and the cunning dwarfs. And when they were all gathered underneath the tower, and in the porch of it, he shook it, till it fell and crushed a thousand of the first citizens. Then Hoonamunta sped away northward to Ayodhya, extinguishing his tail in the sea as he went.