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Then, after a moment's pause, she continued more warmly: "It is you people in society who get hold of some misquoted story, some ridiculous libel long ago crushed at the cost of the libeler it is you who do untold mischief!

He triumphed openly over his accuser, and laughed at him, "Can't you find anything, you libeler?" Bruus did not answer. He pondered for a few moments, then called out, "Jens Larsen, where was it you saw the rector digging?" Jens Larsen had been standing to one side with his hands folded, watching the work.

By the end of 1843, Cooper had pretty well reduced the press to silence, so far as comments on his character were concerned. It was insignificance or remoteness alone that protected the libeler. The leading newspapers of the state, however much they might abuse his writings, learned to be very cautious of what they said of him personally. But it was a barren victory he had won.

Grant assumed the responsibility, and we are still 'On to Richmond!" When the newspaper containing this paragraph reached the Army of the Potomac, General Meade issued an order that Mr. Crapsey be arrested, paraded through the lines of the army, with a placard marked "Libeler of the Press," and then be put without the lines and not be permitted to return.

Their witnesses are merely the repeaters of the falsehoods of James Cheetham, the convicted libeler. After all, drinking is not as bad as lying. An honest drunkard is better than a calumniator of the dead. "A remnant of old mortality drunk, bloated, and half-asleep," is better than a perfectly sober defender of human slavery.

In order to show you the estimation in which this libeler was held by Mr. Paine, I will give you a copy of a letter that throws light upon this point: "Oct. 27, 1807. Mr. Cheethan: Unless you make a public apology for the abuse and falsehood in your paper of Tuesday, Oct. 27, respecting me, I will prosecute you for lying. Thomas Paine" In another letter, speaking of this same man, Mr.

To the editor of the "Commercial Advertiser" the result had caused deep mortification. The reviewer also was naturally dissatisfied with a decision which left upon him the stigma of a libeler. He offered, if the case could be brought before a common jury for another trial, to pay double the amount of damages awarded, provided the result was against him. With such an arrangement Mr.

He triumphed openly over his accuser, and laughed at him, "Can't you find anything, you libeler?" Bruus did not answer. He pondered for a few moments, then called out, "Jens Larsen, where was it you saw the rector digging?" Jens Larsen had been standing to one side with his hands folded, watching the work.

Contrary to his accustomed habit of reticence, he had sought occasion to inform his friends that he expected verdicts against the libeler of his daughter which would throw the concern into bankruptcy, and, perhaps, its proprietor into jail. No advertiser cares to put money into a publication which may fail next week.

Who would be such a lying coward! Her helplessness made her rage. Oh, to be able to confront this traducer, this libeler.