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Updated: August 6, 2024

It's a durned outrage, an' if I ever go to the Legislatur', for which I mean to run, I'll try to have it stopped." "I hope you will be elected," said the colonel. "What time does the train go back to Clarendon?" "Four o'clock, if she's on time but it may be five." "Do you suppose I can get dinner at the hotel?" "Oh, yes! I sent word up that I 'lowed you might be back, so they'll be expectin' you."

"Has Jethro Bass ever been a member of the Legislature?" asked the storekeeper, for the sake of something to say. "Never would take any office but Chairman of the Selectmen," answered Moses, who apparently bore no ill will for his father's sake. "Jethro kind of fathers the Legislatur', I guess, though I don't take much stock in politics.

The man, big in build, large-headed, wore an old-fashioned blue swallow-tailed coat with brass buttons, a stock, and coonskin hat, though it was summer, and the thumping of William Wetherell's heart told him that this was Jethro Bass. He nodded briefly at Moses Hatch, who greeted him with genial obsequiousness. "Legislatur' through?" shouted Moses. The great man shook his head and drove on.

He kept up the quarrel the same as ever, did he?" asked Harry, deeply interested in teh narrative. "Wussen ever! Wussen ever! He got bitterer ev'ry day. He laid his defeat when he wuz runnin' fur the Legislatur at our door.

I aint no speaker, I never made but one speech since I was raised, and that was afore a Slickville legislatur, and then I broke down. I know'd who I was a talkin' afore; they was men that had cut their eye-teeth, and that you could'nt pull the wool over their eyes, nohow you could fix it, and I was young then.

And behind him, heels kicking up likewise, followed Jake and Sam, Jethro apparently oblivious of their presence. Lem alone was not abashed in the presence of greatness. "How be you, Jethro?" he said heartily. "Air the Legislatur' behavin' themselves?" "B-bout as common," said Jethro. Surely nothing very profound in this remark, but received as though it were Solomon's.

He's a fine-haired furriner, an' he's come down hyeh from the settlemints to tell ye that you hain't got no man in yo' own deestrict that's fittin' to represent ye in the legislatur'. Look at him look at him! He's got FOUR eyes! Samuel could straightway have turned bald-headed and sightless, he would have been a happy man.

"I recklect twenty-five years ago when they was first in the Legislatur' together. A man told me that they was both admitted to practice in the S'preme Court in '39, on the same day, sir. Then you know they was nip an' tuck after the same young lady. Abe got her.

I aint no speaker, I never made but one speech since I was raised, and that was afore a Slickville legislatur, and then I broke down. I know'd who I was a talkin' afore; they was men that had cut their eye-teeth, and that you could'nt pull the wool over their eyes, nohow you could fix it, and I was young then.

"I recklect twenty-five years ago when they was first in the Legislatur' together. A man told me that they was both admitted to practice in the S'preme Court in '39, on the same day, sir. Then you know they was nip an' tuck after the same young lady. Abe got her.

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