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My father had not been favourably impressed by the appearance of Mr Laffan, who was tall and gaunt, with awkward manners and ungainly figure; but after some conversation he found him to be a man of considerable attainments and intelligence, and apparently thoroughly honest and trustworthy. On the death of the unfortunate gentleman, my father found his companion plunged in the deepest grief.

"Is it the cavalry or the infantry?" asked Mr Laffan. "The cavalry are the most important," answered Juan. "Here is a spare horse at your service." Mr Laffan at once leapt into the saddle, and going to the head of the men, formed them into line. To my surprise, he gave the proper orders in Spanish without hesitation, and soon showed that he had had no little experience as a cavalry officer.

Without delay we set off, Juan and I riding together, Mr Laffan and Hugh following; and I saw by our tutor's gestures, after we got clear of the town, that, faithful to his promise, he was imparting information in his usual impressive manner, which Hugh was endeavouring with all his might to take in.

He kept the men at work for three hours without cessation, after which they were dismissed for breakfast. Captain Lopez cast a scowl at us as he passed on his way to his quarters, without deigning to compliment Mr Laffan on his proficiency.

I will not describe the wedding further than to say that my grandfather was nearly out and out ruined by it. He and his guests all got gloriously drunk. Mr Gillooly and Tim Laffan fell out about my mother, and came to blows in her presence.

"Do not be too sure of that," said Captain Laffan; "they will watch their opportunity, and attempt to surprise us if we are off our guard. They know the value of the pass too well to leave us in quiet possession. They may be looking all this time for a path over the mountains, to try and take us in the rear; though they would find that a hard matter, to be sure."

"That's a likely place for the enemy to have occupied," observed Mr Laffan; "and if they are in the neighbourhood, we shall find them there." We now approached more cautiously than before, while Lion showed a considerable amount of excitement, as if he believed that an enemy was near.

Should the Spaniards again attack the fort, we knew too well that our friends would have a hard matter to hold it. Our guide frequently exclaimed that we should knock up our steeds, or bring them to the ground. "Never fear, my friend," said Mr Laffan; "if we do, we must pick ourselves up again." "But your bones, senors, your bones; you will break them or your necks," murmured our guide.

The dominie and I parted from Juan at the next turning, and soon reached home. Finding that my father was just setting out to attend a large party given at the house of Don Carlos Mosquera, one of the principal inhabitants of the place, Mr Laffan and I hurriedly dressed and accompanied him.

Not wishing to be discovered, I returned into the house before I could hear more. The captain, mounting a strong mule, rode off, followed by the soldiers and the prisoners. As soon as they were gone, the men whom Mr Laffan had hired made their appearance.