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Et inde venitur in Mare Galileae, quod quamuis dicatur mare, est lacus aquae dulcis longus.

The feeling of that happy region between the Alps and Lombardy, where there are many waters et tacitos sine labe lacus sine murmure rivos and where the last spurs of the mountains sink in undulations to the plain, has passed into this azure vista, just as all Umbria is suggested in a twilight background of young Raphael or Perugino.

Hark! Huuh! Parallax stalks behind and goads them, the lancinating lightnings of whose brow are scorpions. Elk and yak, the bulls of Bashan and of Babylon, mammoth and mastodon, they come trooping to the sunken sea, Lacus Mortis. Ominous revengeful zodiacal host!

When the dials showed the air to be breathable, he and Maya removed their helmets, Nuwell started the motor and the craft lifted slowly and smoothly into the air above the Solis Lacus Lowland. Nuwell headed the copter northwestward. As soon as they were well on course, he turned to Maya with a stern expression on his face. "There's one thing I can't understand at all," he said severely.

The interior slopes are prominently terraced, and there are several spurs associated with the glacis on the S. and N.E. A distinct cleft runs from the N. side of the formation to the S.E. border of the Lacus Somniorum, which is crossed by another winding cleft running from a crater E. of Plana towards the N.E.

The Caucasus Mountains are not so lofty nor so precipitous as the Alps, and consequently have less attraction for the observer. They border the dark, oval plain of the Mare Serenitatis on its northeastern side. The great bay running out from the Mare toward the northwest, between the Caucasus and the huge mountain ring of Posidonius, bears the fanciful name of Lacus Somniorum.

G. iv. 10, 16, 17; vi. 9, etc.; description of it, G. iv. 10 It passes through the Lacus Lemanus, Lake of Geneva, and flows with a swift and rapid current in a southern direction into the Sinus Gallicus, or Gulf of Lyons. Its whole course is about four hundred miles Roscillus and Aegus, brothers belonging to the Allobroges, revolt from Caesar to Pompey, C. iii. 59

As a matter of fact, Cornelia was perpetually goaded into fresh outbursts of desperation by the tyrannical attitude of her uncle. Lentulus boasted in her presence that he would accomplish Drusus's undoing. "I'll imitate Sulla," he would announce, in mean pleasure at giving his niece pain; "I'll see how many heads I can have set up as he did at the Lacus Servilius.

Between the two last expands the great Mare Tranquillitatis, the Sea of Tranquillity, into whose quiet depths are at last absorbed all her simulated passions, all her futile aspirations, all her unglutted desires, and whose unruffled waters are gliding on forever in noiseless current towards Lacus Mortis, the Lake of Death, whose misty shores "In ruthless, vast, and gloomy woods are girt."

It is connected with a smaller ring-plain on the N.W. wall of the latter by a low ridge. BOND, G.P. A small bright ring-plain 12 miles in diameter, W. of Posidonius. Neison shows a crater both on the N. and S. rim. Schmidt omits these. MAURY. A bright deep little ring-plain, about 12 miles in diameter, on the W. border of the Lacus Somniorum. It is the centre of four prominent hill ranges.