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From the smooth yellow walls of the barraque dark, round, knot-holes were gazing at the rivulet like eyes. Only in a single window without a frame was there visible a faint light, while at intervals there issued thence fragmentary, angry exclamations such as: "Look sharp there, and deal! Clubs will be the winners." "Ah! Here is a trump!" "Indeed? What luck, damn it!"

Or perhaps she is under the fierce eye of some Cerberus of a schoolmistress, about whose grounds you prowl piteously, searching for small knot-holes in the surrounding board fence, through which little souvenirs of impassioned feeling may be thrust.

She was so afraid that something would occur that she barely left her post for an instant. A picture of the interior of the barn hung vividly in her mind. She recalled the knot-holes in the boards at the rear, but she admitted that the prisoners could not escape through them. She remembered some inadequacies of the roof, but these also counted for nothing.

Close by was the tree which Neb had also spoken of. He examined it with an appraising eye, then looked about to see what spectators were near. No one was in sight save a pair of piccaninnies, down the fence a hundred yards or so, with eyes glued to other knot-holes or to cracks. "To the deuce with dignity!" he cried. "I'll just inspect that tree."

Her surveillance was needless, however: even Ross made no allusion to the events of the morning, though he communicated to his fellows in the subsequent confidences of the club-room that Midas looked as though he'd been pulled through a series of knot-holes. "Looks more's though he were going to his own funeral than on leave," he added.

Then would I be taken with a spasm of desire to play upon the recorders or the Bavarian single flute, and would pester my father to let me learn. Now I never had any more ear for music than a deal board that has knot-holes in it. I had ears indeed.

When the jay carries away the corn you put out in winter and hides it in old worms' nests and knot-holes and crevices in trees, he is obeying the instinct of all his tribe to pilfer and hide things, an instinct that plays its part in the economy of nature, as by its means many acorns and chestnuts get planted and large seeds widely disseminated.

As they entered, a workman with a pot and ink-brush in his hand was surveying lettering he had just completed on a good-sized packing-case. "Here are the 'goods, Judson," announced the merchant. "All ready, sir," the workman responded, eyeing Jack and the detective curiously. "Did you substitute boards with knot-holes?" Mr. Brooke asked. "Yes, sir.

"I feel as if I had been drawn through two knot-holes, one right after the other," spoke Bob, with an attempt at a smile. "You'll soon be all right again now," comforted Tom. "Get a little salt horse and sea biscuit down for a foundation, and you can build up on that the finest thing in the way of a meal you ever saw."

In the thickets, perhaps the shadowy thickets with front of thorn it has taken refuge and eluded us. Still onward the shadows lead us in vain but pleasant chase. These endless trees are a city to the tree-building birds. The round knot-holes in the beeches, the holes in the elms and oaks; they find them all out.