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We always went through the back of a cupboard!" "Can you give me names of others who used this place?" "Well" Mollie hesitated "poor Rita, of course and Sir Lucien. Then, Cyrus Kilfane used to go." "Kilfane? The American actor?" "Yes." "H'm. He's back in America, Sir Lucien is dead, and Mrs. Irvin is missing. Nobody else?" Mollie shook her head. "Who first took you there?" "Cyrus Kilfane."

"You" glancing at Kilfane "have got your own pipe, I know." She laid them upon the tray, and now took out of the case a little copper lamp, a smaller lacquered box and a silver spatula, her jewelled fingers handling the queer implements with a familiarity bred of habit. "What a strange woman!" whispered Rita to Pyne. "Is she an oriental?" "Cuban-Jewess," he replied in a low voice. Mrs.

In the swift, calculating glance which she cast about the room there was something greedy and evil; and when it rested upon Rita Dresden's dainty beauty to the evil greed was added cruelty. "Another little sister, dear Lola," murmured Kilfane. "Of course, you know who it is? This, my daughter," turning the sleepy glance towards Rita, "is our officiating priestess, Mrs. Sin."

Tramcars and motorbuses were packed unwholesomely with these children of shadowland drawn together from the seven seas by the magnet of London. She glanced at Pyne, but he was seemingly lost in abstraction, and Kilfane appeared to be asleep.

Urgent affairs of some kind necessitated his leaving England a few weeks before the date fixed for Rita's wedding, and as Kilfane had already returned to America, Rita recognized with a certain dismay that she would be left to her own resources handicapped by the presence of a watchful husband.

The goal long held in view was attained at last. But another farewell which at one time she had contemplated eagerly no longer appeared desirable or even possible. To cocamania had been added a tolerance for opium, and at the last party given by Cyrus Kilfane she had learned that she could smoke nearly as much opium as the American habitue.

Sin carefully lighted the lamp, which burned with a short, bluish flame, and, opening the lacquered box, she dipped the spatula into the thick gummy substance which it contained and twisted the little instrument round and round between her fingers, presently withdrawing it with a globule of chandu, about the size of a bean, adhering to the end. She glanced aside at Kilfane.

"If you visit him he will merely shield himself behind the mystical business, or assure you that he is making no profit on his sales. Kilfane had similar trouble with him." "Then you will see him?" asked Rita. "I will make a point of interviewing him in the morning. Meanwhile, if you will send Nina around to Albemarle Street in about an hour I will see what can be done."

Someone is standing in that doorway over there, watching us." "Take no notice," he replied. "A cat could not pass along this street unobserved by the Chinese, but they will not interfere with us provided we do not interfere with them." Kilfane had turned to the right into a narrow court, at the entrance to which stood an iron pillar.

In her dim, cushioned corner Mollie Gretna lay back against the wall, her face pale and her weak mouth foolishly agape. Cyrus Kilfane was indistinguishable from the pile of rugs amid which he sprawled by the table, and of Sir Lucien Pyne nothing was to be seen but the outstretched legs and feet which projected grotesquely from a recess.