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Then Dhritarashtra one day honoured his friends by his confidence. Addressing them with tearful eyes, he said these words. "'Dhritarashtra said, "How the destruction of the Kurus has happened is well known to you. All that was brought about by my fault though the Kauravas approved of all my counsels.

And the Kuru king then offered unto Janardana a cow, and honey and curds and water, and placed at his service palaces and mansions and the whole kingdom. And then the Kauravas, with all the kings there present, worshipped Govinda on his seat and resembling the sun himself in splendour.

And with the new suit on, the king seemed as if he was living and only sleeping on a costly bed. "When the other funeral ceremonies also were finished in consonance with the directions of the priests, the Kauravas set fire to the dead bodies of the king and the queen, bringing lotuses, sandal-paste, and other fragrant substances to the pyre.

Thou art the root of all these evils, this hostility, this quarrel. It is through thy faults that the Kauravas are being thinned, encountering one another. Slaying thee in battle today, I will regard myself as one that has achieved his object, and the fever of my heart will be dispelled."

"Sanjaya said, 'After the high-souled Pandavas, O king, had encamped by the side of the Hiranwati, the Kauravas also fixed their camps. That terrible battle between the Kurus and the Pandavas which had been expected from a long time back has at last come.

And the Kauravas, surrounding all sides with a multitude of cars, seized sixty thousands of kine. And loud was the yell of woe set up by the cowherds smitten by those warriors in that terrible conflict. And the chief of the cowherds, greatly affrighted speedily mounted on a chariot and set out for the city, bewailing in affliction.

Applauded by all the Kauravas after having defeated thousands of foes in battle, the valiant son of Drona beamed forth in beauty, like the chief of the celestials himself after vanquishing his foes." "Sanjaya said, 'Then king Yudhishthira, and Bhimasena, the son of Pandu, O monarch, encompassed Drona's son on all sides.

The Kauravas will today behold Partha with his car broken, his horses killed, his valour gone, and himself sighing like a snake. Let the Kauravas, following their own will go away taking this wealth of kine, or, if they wish, let them stay on their cars and witness my combat." "Kripa said, 'O Radheya, thy crooked heart always inclineth to war.

They are to sleep in a house which during the night will be burnt down. The plot, however, miscarries. The house is burnt, but unbeknown to the Kauravas, the five brothers escape and taking with them their mother, Kunti, go for safety to the forest. Here they wander for a while disguised as Brahmans or priests but reach at last the kingdom of Panchala.

And with elephants and steeds and cars and infantry, and with standards upraised and umbrellas set up, and armed with bright, whetted weapons, they quickly proceeded against the Kauravas. And Aswatthaman and Kripa, O monarch, formed its two eyes. And that foremost of all bowmen, viz., Kritavarman, united with the ruler of the Kamvojas and with the Valhikas was stationed, O king, in its head.