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And it was for the avouchment of the love of that maiden that Geraint jousted for the Sparrow-Hawk at the tournament, for he said that that maiden was better entitled to the Sparrow-Hawk than this maiden who was with me. And thereupon we encountered each other, and he left me, Lady, as thou seest." "Sir," said she, "when thinkest thou that Geraint will be here?"

So also ought I to mislike me much of the knight that it standeth upon to avenge him, whom I may not find." "Damsel," saith Lancelot, "Who slew this knight?" "Sir," saith she, "The Lord of the Burning Dragon." "And who ought of right to avenge him?" "Sir," saith she, "The knight that was in the Red Launde at the assembly, that jousted with Messire Gawain, and had the prize of the tournament."

Thereat the knight spake not, but took his shield and buckled it round his neck, and leaping on his horse caught a spear from his squire's hand. Then said Sir Kay Hedius to Sir Tristram, "Let me assay him." "Do thy best," said he. So the two knights met, and Sir Kay Hedius fell sorely wounded in the breast. "Thou hast well jousted," cried Sir Tristram to the knight; "now make ready for me!"

"Even yet have I not asked you of all," saith Messire Gawain, "For a knight came and jousted with me party of black and white, and challenged me of the death of the lady on behalf of her husband, and told me and I should vanquish him that he and his men would be my men. I did vanquish him and he did me homage."

The third day there jousted Sir Launcelot du Lake, and he overthrew fifty knights, and did many marvellous deeds of arms, that all men wondered on him. But when these jousts were done, Sir Lamorak and Sir Tristram departed suddenly, and would not be known, for the which King Arthur and all the court were sore displeased. And so they held the court forty days with great solemnity.

And as they rode by the way they saw a seemly knight riding against them, and all in white. Ah, said Frol, yonder knight jousted late with me and smote me down, therefore I will joust with him. Ye shall not do so, said Sir Lamorak, by my counsel, an ye will tell me your quarrel, whether ye jousted at his request, or he at yours. Nay, said Sir Frol, I jousted with him at my request.

But Sir Lavaine jousted there all that Christmas passingly well, and best was praised, for there were but few that did so well. So at-after Christmas King Arthur let call unto him many knights, and there they advised together to make a party and a great tournament and jousts.

But the king would not suffer Sir Gareth to joust because of his new bride; for the Dame Lioness had desired that none who were newly married should joust at that feast. On the first day Sir Lamorak won the honor of the lists, for he overthrew thirty knights and did marvellous feats of arms. On the second day Sir Tristram jousted best, and overthrew forty knights.

THE king and the queen made their pavilions and their tents in that forest beside a river, and there was daily hunting and jousting, for there were ever thirty knights ready to joust unto all them that came in at that time. And there by fortune came Sir Lamorak de Galis and Sir Driant; and there Sir Driant jousted right well, but at the last he had a fall. Then Sir Lamorak proffered to joust.

Estuñiga thanked him, and affirmed that he felt as much honored by having jousted with him as though he had been an emperor. A few days after the above events an incident occurred which shows how contagious the example of Quiñones and his followers was, and to what amusing imitations it led.