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Our familiar letters to familiar friends, might often consist of extracts from our daily journals. But here, again, there has been great error. Journals have usually consisted of the driest details, or exteriors of events.

The critics next day referred to it as a nocturne in black and gold, and more than one of the daily journals contained an enthusiastic description of the subject an ocean-steamer entering a Thames graving-dock at night-time, with torch-light effects; and a mist on the river.

His was a prominent name upon the covers of dilettante art journals; it was he who effectually crushed young and too daringly independent artists; who repressed impertinent originality; who headed the hosts of conventionality against individuality or genius which held itself above the established canons of antiquated tradition.

You must live for the future. Your blood and race will now be supreme, if true to yourselves. You will be English at the expense of not being British." But other journals and politicians were not content with the half-way house of independence, and the majority of those who signed the first annexation manifesto belonged to the Tory party.

In the French newspapers which he had glanced over while engaged in his researches in Germany-nay, in German critical journals themselves he had seen so many notices of the young author, highly eulogistic, it is true, but which to his peculiar notions were more offensive than if they had been sufficiently condemnatory of her work to discourage her from its repetition; notices which seemed to him the supreme impertinences which no man likes exhibited towards the woman to whom he would render the chivalrous homage of respect.

But perhaps you know that part of the story better than I do," ventured the old patriarch. That is the Story of the French Explorers. "Oh! Yes," replied the writer, "you know the world of men and things about you; I know the world of books and journals and letters." "Let us hear of that," said the patriarch eagerly. B. Soapstone Conjurer's tube. C. Flint Skinning Implement. D. Horn Fish Spear.

Add to this the great number of Medical Journals, all useful, we hope, most of them necessary, we trust, many of them excellently well conducted, but which must find something to fill their columns, and so print all the new plans of treatment and new remedies they can get hold of, as the newspapers, from a similar necessity, print the shocking catastrophes and terrible murders.

Augustus Tomlinson, was not so much struck with the grandeur of the connection as the murderer of the journals had expected. He merely observed, by way of compliment, that Mr. Augustus and his companion seemed to be "rolling kiddies."

The objection originated in England, where all attempts to make legislative provision for the education of the common people have been steadily resisted by a potential party in the established church. The arguments put forth in the English religious journals have been reproduced in the journals here, and have in many instances awakened the apprehensions of serious-minded persons.

Judson retired to her room and poured out her soul "to Him who for our sakes was bound and led away to execution," and great was her comfort even in that moment. She was immediately after summoned to be examined by a magistrate in the verandah, and after hastily destroying all journals and papers, went out to meet him.