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Updated: August 5, 2024

I would befriend Jezebel herself if you asked me. But this girl, who turns up her nose at us all who turns up her nose at you 'Nay, mother; I have never yet put myself, and I mean never to put myself, within reach of her contempt. When I'm with her, I don't know if I like or dislike her most; but when I think of her, and hear you talk of her, I hate her.

So Orestes and he shall be the two jaws of my pincers, to squeeze what I want out of that Greek Jezebel.. And then, then for the black agate! Was the end of her speech a bathos?

Above all cut to pieces that she-devil wife of mine, that brazen woman with the orange dress with the blue sash and silver embroidered stockings. No mercy for the Jezebel! the shameless wench! the slattern! Hack her to pieces! "Bishop! Bishop! Your words are inhuman.

The Zidonian woman braves the vengeance of Jehovah, the Scotch woman dares the Powers of Darkness; the one is incited by the oracles of Baal, the other by the predictions of witches. Lady Macbeth has more intellectual force, Jezebel more moral decision; Lady Macbeth exhibits great imagination, Jezebel a stronger will.

"Over here it is treated as if it were Jezebel. It's trodden down. It's thrown to the dogs." "Poor spirit!" She laughed lightly. "Do you understand what they're saying of you?" he went on. "Where?" "All over London." "Perhaps." "But do you?" "Perhaps I don't care to." "They're saying 'Poor thing! But it's her own fault." There was a silence. In it he looked at her hard, mercilessly.

Anonymous letters continued to come in almost by every mail, making charges and imputations upon Agnes, and frequently connecting Podge Byerly with her. Terrible epithets such as "Murderess!" "A second Mrs. Chapman!" "Jezebel," etc. were employed in these letters. Many of them were written by female hands or in very delicate male chirography, as if men who wrote like women had their natures.

And it came to pass, when Jezebel heard that Naboth was stoned, and was dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, which he refused to give thee for money: for Naboth is not alive, but dead.

"You are in love with 'Jezebel's Daughter. Now, don't be angry! I know you believe Jezebel to be a deeply-injured woman; I know you have been foolish enough to fight duels at Wurzburg in defense of her character. "It is enough for you that she is a fond mother, and that her innocent daughter loves her dearly.

"I've got two eyes an' a nose," retorted Mrs. Tawsey, "so don't talk of deceivin's. Thirty and more she is, the hussey, let her Jezebel of a mar lie as she like, an' can say what you will, Mr. Beecot. But there's my pretty smilin' from the winder and the tub's a-waitin'; so you go in and smooth 'er to affections, while I see that Mrs.

This accomplished, he gallantly handed out after him a pretty-looking miss in her teens. Poor Mrs. Tracy, en papillotes, looked out at the casement like any one but Jezebel attired for bewitching, and could have cried for vexation; in fact, she did, and passed it off for feeling.

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