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Eleazar and Ithamar, also, the surviving sons of Aaron, were not permitted to mourn or attend the funeral on the day of their dedication as priests, so that Aaron's cousins, the Levites Mishael and Elzaphan, the next of kin after these had to attend to the funeral.

Abner is made Sultan of Persia; Asriel, Ithamar, Medad, and the chief captains, Vizirs, Honain their chief. Four Moslem nobles are sworn into the council. The Princess goes to mosque in state next Friday; 'tis said thy pupil doth accompany her. 'I'll not believe it! By the God of Sinai, I'll not believe it! Were my own eye the accursed witness of the deed, I'd not believe it. Go to mosque!

Now these are the divisions of the sons of Aaron. The sons of Aaron; Nadab, and Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. But Nadab and Abihu died before their father, and had no children: therefore Eleazar and Ithamar executed the priest's office. And David distributed them, both Zadok of the sons of Eleazar, and Ahimelech of the sons of Ithamar, according to their offices in their service.

'This morning's council is devoted to the settlement of the civil affairs of the capital, remarked Jabaster. 'Indeed! said Asriel. 'Is your report prepared, Jabaster? ''Tis here, replied the high priest. 'The Hebrew legislator requires but little musing to shape his order. He has a model which time cannot destroy, nor thought improve. Ithamar and Asriel exchanged significant glances.

On the morrow, a Tatar arrived from Ithamar, informing Alroy that the Sultan of Roum had retreated into Syria, that Bagdad was undefended, but that he had acceded to the request of the inhabitants that a deputation should wait upon Alroy before the troops entered the city, and had granted a safe conduct for their passage. On the morrow, messengers announced the approach of the deputation.

He was received by Ithamar and the members of the deputation, but Honain was not there. Accompanied by his staff and a strong detachment of the Sacred Guard, Alroy was conducted through the principal thoroughfares of the city, until he arrived at the chief entrance of the serail, or palace, of the caliph.

He divided them also into courses: and when he had separated the priests from them, he found of these priests twenty-four courses, sixteen of the house of Eleazar, and eight of that of Ithamar; and he ordained that one course should minister to God eight days, from sabbath to sabbath.

Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto the sons of Gershon, according to their service: And four wagons and eight oxen he gave unto the sons of Merari, according unto their service, under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest. But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders.

Ithamar, on a snow-white Anatolian charger, followed by six hundred officers of his division, all mounted on steeds of pure race. Slaves bearing the marriage present of Ithamar; a golden vase of rubies borne on a violet throne. One hundred Negroes, their noses bored, and hung with rings of brilliants, playing upon wind instruments and kettle-drums. The standard of the City of Bagdad.

'Sup you with the Lord Ithamar to-night? 'I do. 'I also. We'll go together. The Queen had gained his pardon. Hum! 'tis strange. 'Passing so. They say Abidan has escaped? 'I hear it. Shall we meet Medad to-night? ''Tis likely. The Fall of Alroy SHE comes not yet! her cheerful form, not yet it sparkles in our mournful sky.