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The following treatment is recommended: Exercise is indicated in cases that are not sufficiently advanced to cause severe lameness, or inability to use the limb; rest and the application of woollen bandages wrung out of a hot water solution of liquor cresolis compound are recommended; Epsom salts in one-half pound doses may be given and repeated in two or three days; a very light diet of soft feed should be given; liniments should not be applied until the soreness in the limb has subsided; iodide of potassium may be given twice daily with the feed.

For example, the amount of MnO in a sample of the mineral pyrolusite may be determined by dissolving the mineral in hydrochloric acid, absorbing the evolved chlorine in a solution of potassium iodide, and measuring the liberated iodine by titration with a standard solution of sodium thiosulphate.

Iodide of silver dissolves easily in a solution of iodide of potassium, and the liquid deposits in evaporation crystals of a double iodide. Iodide of Gold. If a solution of potassium be added to a solution of chloride of gold, a precipitate of iodide of gold takes place, soluble in an excess of the precipitate.

Nothing suits better for woodwork than, first, carbolic wash, and then a thorough scrubbing with hot water and garden soap. Some ointment must be used to the skin, and as I am writing for laymen only I feel chary in recommending such strong ones as the green iodide of mercury. If you do use it mix it with twice its bulk of the compound sulphur ointment. Do over only a part or two at a time.

The coloration is determined by comparison with a scale having eleven degrees of intensity upon it. Compared with Schoenbein's ozonometer, the results are in general directly opposite. The thallium papers show that the greatest effect is in the daytime, the iodide papers that it is at night. Yearly curves show that the former generally indicate a rise when the latter give a fall.

According to this method a stock solution of hypochlorite of lime was added to the water, the amount necessary for any given water being determined by a solution of potassium iodide and starch. This was particularly useful in the trenches where it was possible to accurately sterilize a pail or a barrel of water if necessary.

As the thiosulphate in crystalline form has the formula Na S O .5H O, this weight is 248.12 grams. Tenth-normal or hundredth-normal solutions are generally used. !Approximate Strength, 0.1 N! PROCEDURE. Weigh out on the rough balances 13 grams of commercial iodine. Place it in a mortar with 18 grams of potassium iodide and triturate with small portions of water until all is dissolved.

We have plunged this into the bath, which contains chiefly nitrate of silver, but also some iodide of silver, knowing that a decomposition will take place, in consequence of which the iodide of ammonium will become changed to the iodide of silver, which will now fill the pores of the collodion film. The iodide of silver is eminently sensitive to light.

The indicator required for this process is made by dipping strips of filter paper in a starch solution prepared as described on page 76, to which 1 gram of potassium iodide has been added. These strips are allowed to drain and spread upon a watch-glass until dry.

He therefore placed another saucer upside down upon this one, and carefully strained off between the two all the liquid, leaving only a black powder in the saucer, which he announced was iodide of nitrogen. "Jolly rum name," said Cusack, "what does it do?" "You wait a bit," said Philpot, scooping the wet powder up with the end of a knife and spreading it out on small separate pieces of paper.