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The air was tested every thirty minutes by an ozonometer, and the proportion of ozone found to be gradually diminishing; but as long as the paper of the instrument exhibited the slightest trace of blue, there was no smell, which only came on as the last signs of ozone disappeared.

The coloration is determined by comparison with a scale having eleven degrees of intensity upon it. Compared with Schoenbein's ozonometer, the results are in general directly opposite. The thallium papers show that the greatest effect is in the daytime, the iodide papers that it is at night. Yearly curves show that the former generally indicate a rise when the latter give a fall.

Schoenbein's ozonometer consists of 750 slips of dry bibulous paper prepared in the manner described; and with a scale of tints and instructions, sufficient to make observations on the ozone of the atmosphere twice a day for a year. After exposure to the ozone, they require to be moistened to bring out the colour.

And Boettger has stated that ozone is formed when ether is atomized; the fact being that the reaction he observed was due to the H2O2 always present in ether. Direct experiments with the Schoenbein ozonometer and the psychrometer gave parallel curves; whence the author regards the former as only a crude hygrometer.

The iodide curve follows closely that of relative humidity, clouds, and rain; the thallium curve stands in no relation to it. A table of results for the year 1879 is given in monthly means, of the two thallium papers, the ozonometer, the relative humidity, cloudiness, rain, and velocity of wind. G. F. B., in Ber. Berl. Chem. Ces.