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In the beginning Miss Gulmore was not attracted by Professor Roberts; she thought him insignificant physically; he was neat of dress too, and ingenuously eager in manner all of which conflicted with her ideal of manhood.

To speak ingenuously, I did indeed suppose, as far as I could calculate the events of this important narrative beforehand, that the Miss Cranleys would have come in earlier, and have made a more conspicuous figure, than they now seem to have any chance of doing. Having thus settled accounts with my readers; I take up again the thread of my story, and thus I proceed. Mr.

Parties were formed, and Castro found much support, especially among the body of undergraduates, of whom one at least ingenuously described himself as 'del bando de Jesucristo'. There was almost as much tumult in the University of Salamanca as in Agramante's camp. Even if Castro thought that the hour of his triumph was at hand, he was too experienced and too Spanish to be precipitate.

Two lines of small tables, each of which contained three or four guests, were ranged in order on either hand; the right was esteemed the most honorable, but the Romans ingenuously confess, that they were placed on the left; and that Beric, an unknown chieftain, most probably of the Gothic race, preceded the representatives of Theodosius and Valentinian.

I assured her that I was not at all angry which was true, and then begged her to tell me what the count had wanted. She said he had called to leave me a message an invitation to dine, I think and that Scipione, maliciously or ingenuously, had shown him into the room where she was queening it in her borrowed finery. I guessed there was more.

The same night, ingenuously oblivious of having been called upon to fill the role of a lady in genteel "trouble," good and decorous Emily Walderhurst arrived under the cover of discreet darkness in a cab, and when she found herself in the "best bedroom," which had once been so far beyond her means, she cried a little for joy again, because the four dull walls, the mahogany dressing-table, and ugly frilled pincushions looked so unmelodramatically normal and safe.

Where d'ye come from, and where are ye bound for?" Tristram told his story ingenuously enough. "We'll have to search you." They searched him and found a sealed packet. "What is this?" "Pepper-cress seed." "Pepper-cress be damned!" was the only comment. However, when the packet was opened it was found that he spoke the truth.

'I am not much in the habit of answering people, said Hazel frankly. 'You will find that out if you see enough of me. 'Ain't you? Why? asked the young lady ingenuously. 'Because I do not like to be questioned. You perceive no fault can be found with my reasons, she added with a smile. 'Then you do like him, I know. People are never afraid to tell their dislikes. Why! is that'

When he had gone, the Countess Martin asked ingenuously of Paul Vence if he knew why that good Madame Marmet had looked at M. Schmoll with such marked though silent anger. He was surprised that she did not know. "I never know anything," she said. "But the quarrel between Schmoll and Marmet is famous. It ceased only at the death of Marmet. "The day that poor Marmet was buried, snow was falling.

He was assured that, if he would deal ingenuously with the Lords, they would be intercessors for him at the foot of the throne, and that their intercession would not be unsuccessful. If he continued obstinate, they would proceed with the bill. A short interval was allowed him for consideration; and he was then required to give his final answer. "I have given it," he said; "I have no security.