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Updated: August 9, 2024

"That is right, Mustapha, if I recollect well, the Caliph Haroun used to command them to be written in letters of gold, and be deposited in the archives: we must do the same." "The art no longer exists, your highness." "Then we must be content with Indian-ink," replied the pacha, lifting the pitcher to his mouth, and emptying it. "The sun will soon be down, Mustapha, and we must set off."

In the first room which I visit a class of very little girls and boys some as quaintly pretty as their own dolls are bending at their desks over sheets of coal-black paper which you would think they were trying to make still blacker by energetic use of writing-brushes and what we call Indian-ink. They are really learning to write Chinese and Japanese characters, stroke by stroke.

He's a cuttle, that's what he is; and I'll have his ink-bag out of him in a brace of shakes; just the ticket for tattooing, Miss, as good as the best Indian-ink gunpowder is a fool to it." By this time they had reached Mr. Meeson, and here the whole matter, including Johnnie's obstinate refusal to be tattooed was explained to Bill.

I was supposed to be dead, but I came to life again." "Did you catch Fred's star when he died?" asked Jan, pointing to the cheek. "No," replied John Massingbird, with another burst of laughter, "I get that up with Indian-ink." Bit by bit, Jan came into possession of the details. At least, of as much of them as John Massingbird deemed it expedient to furnish.

There were a few Indian-ink sketches, studies made at school and expanded in her own "studio," which were eagerly bought as soon as exhibited in the photographer's window, notably by a florid and inartistic bookkeeper, an old negro woman, a slangy stable boy, a gorgeously dressed and painted female, and the bearded second officer of a river steamboat, without hesitation and without comment.

When they were at home together, John had been the stouter of the two: but his wanderings had fined him down, and his figure now looked exactly as Frederick's did formerly. He shaved off his whiskers Frederick had never worn any; or, for the matter of that, had had any to wear and painted an imitation star on his cheek with Indian-ink.

He it is Musgrave, of course has joined me, and is leaning his flat back also against the apostle, and, like me, is looking at the mist, at the red and yellow leaves at the whole low-spirited panorama. "She is ill," say I, lamentably, drawing a portrait in lamp-black and Indian-ink of the whole family; "we are all ill Barbara is ill!" "Poor Barbara!" "She has got a headache." "POOR Barbara!"

In the young animal it is somewhat of a clay yellow, and under the belly of almost a roseate hue; but seen in a clear pool it is a sort of dark blue, or light Indian-ink hue. As we looked at its head we agreed that few animals have more hideous or terrific countenances. "Why, he would swallow Natty and me up at a mouthful," said Leo, as he tried to lift up the jaws of one of the huge animals.

There was not a breath of air, and yet it was colder than when the soft violence of the westerly wind had been felt. The men renewed their efforts. The boat gave a bound forwards at every pull of the oars. The water was glassy and motionless, reflecting tint by tint of the Indian-ink sky above. Mary shivered, and her heart sank within her. Still, now they evidently were making progress.

The white hill opposite, looking like a huge snow-bank, only that it is checkered with strips and patches of wood, dark as Indian-ink, is stained of that color every clear afternoon, and rises up at sundown into a bank of roseate or purple bloom all along above the horizon. 6th. I did n't get through last evening. No wonder, with so much heavy stuff to carry.

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