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Updated: August 8, 2024

Now, as there are many assaults upon all commandments, so it happens also in this commandment that we must live among many people who do us harm, so that we have cause to be hostile to them. Thus by the devil's incitement you will get many enemies who cannot bear to see you have any good, either bodily or spiritual.

It may be admitted that there is a whole class of dreams in which the incitement originates preponderatingly or even exclusively from the remnants of daily life; and I believe that even my cherished desire to become at some future time a "professor extraordinarius" would have allowed me to slumber undisturbed that night had not my worry about my friend's health been still active.

She, herself, alone was to blame; her unnecessary worry was the cause of her daughter's broken arm. Christ's constant incitement to his disciples was "Be not afraid!" He was fully aware of the fact that Job declared: "The thing which I greatly feared is come upon me." Hence, worrying mother, curb your worry, kill it, drive it out, for your child's sake.

The wife of John Stuart Mill was another worthy helper of her husband, though in a more abstruse department of study, as we learn from his touching dedication of the treatise 'On Liberty': "To the beloved and deplored memory of her who was the inspirer, and in part the author, of all that is best in my writings the friend and wife, whose exalted sense of truth and right was my strongest incitement, and whose approbation was my chief reward, I dedicate this volume."

The most that the public prosecutor can allege is that it was a matter of indifference to me if the knowledge imparted stirred up hatred and contempt, an allegation without significance, since there is no such thing as an incitement to hatred and contempt by inadvertence.

There was fine poetry written by Marlowe and Chapman as well as by Sidney and Spenser, but the court was still the main centre of literary endeavour, and the main incitement to literary fame and success.

He is one of those natures who stop at nothing, who only find incitement in opposition; and I can think of no way of checking him in his mad career." "Merciful Heaven! what has he been doing?" "Nothing especially censurable; that is, nothing irreparable, thus far; but I am afraid of the future.

This, consequently, will introduce frugality, and be a necessary incitement to industry. ... As to the stamp act, regarded in a single view, one of the first bad consequences attending it, is, that our courts of judicature must inevitably be shut up; for it is impossible, or next to impossible, under our present circumstances, that the act of Parliament can be complied with, were we ever so willing to enforce its execution.

But constructing problems satisfies their inclination to synthesis quite as well as constructing coat-hangers or culinary compounds, if only the incitement is rational. The writers of our text-books are coming to recognize this fact, and it does them credit. In time, we may hope to have books that will take into account the child's natural inclinations, and the schools will be the beneficiaries.

It was usual to select from these races of watermen the most vigorous and skilful; and after invoking the aid of patron-saints, and arousing their pride and recollections by songs that recounted the feats of their ancestors, to start them for the goal, with every incitement that pride and the love of victory could awaken. Most of these ancient usages were still observed.

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