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Updated: August 7, 2024

Wherefore in this countrey shall you see many monasteries, not onely of Bonzii men, but also of Bonziæ women diuersely attired, for some doe weare white vnder, and blacke vpper garments, other goe apparelled in ash colour, and their idole hath to name Denichi: from these the Amidanes differ very much. Againe the men Bonzii for the most part dwell in sumptuous houses, and haue great reuenues.

These fellowes are chaste by commandement, marry they may not vpon paine of death. In the midst of their temple is erected an altar, whereon standeth a woodden Idole of Amida, naked from the girdle vpward, with holes in his eares after the manner of Italian gentlewomen, sitting on a wooden rose goodly to behold.

Herein they differ from the Turkish religion, for that they haue certaine idole puppets made of silke, or like stuffe, of the fashion of a man, which they fasten to the doore of their walking houses, to be as Ianusses or keepers of their house. And these idoles are made not by all, but by certaine religious women which they haue among them for that and like vses.

The next page was adorned by a darker shade of hair, with a French inscription under it: "Clemence. Idole de mon âme. Toujours fidele. Helas, 2me Avril, 1840."

She was called the idole of the Temple, and her taste for letters gave her also the title of Minerve savante. She wrote a tragedy which was said to be good, though she would never let it go out of her hands, and has been immortalized by Rousseau, with whom she corresponded for sixteen years.

"L'éphemère idole, au frisson du printemps, Sentant des renouveaux éclorent, Se guèpa de satins si lointains et d'antan: Rose exilé des flores! Le jardin rima ses branches de lilas; Aux murs, les roses tremières; La terre étala, pour fêter les las, Des divans vert lumière;

"What a wonderful imagination you old maids have!" exclaimed the Baroness. "To hear you talk, Lisbeth, one might really believe you." "You see, mamma, he is a Pole, and so accustomed to the knout that Lisbeth reminds him of the joys of his native land." They all three laughed, and Hortense sang Wenceslas! idole de mon ame! instead of O Mathilde. Then for a few minutes there was a truce.

To the generosity of his patron, moreover, he owed the opportunity of visiting Italy and the East. His first novel, "Le Chaperon Rouge," 1863, was not very remarkable, and Daudet turned to the stage. His principal dramatic efforts of this period were "Le Dernier Idole," 1862, and "L'OEillet Blanc," 1865.

Mais cette gloire meme etoit devenue notre idole, elle absorboit toutes les pensees des braves mis hors-de-combat par leurs blessures, toutes les esperances des jeunes gens qui faisaient leur premieres armes.

Neuerthelesse in that Iland sundry fruites doe growe, not much vnlike the fruites of Spaine: and great store of Siluer mynes are therein to be seene. The people are tractable, ciuill, wittie, courteous, without deceit, in vertue and honest conuersation exceeding all other nations lately discouered, but so much standing vpon their reputation, that their chiefe Idole may be thought honour.

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