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Then arose a hubbub compared to which the screams of which Miss Sturgis had complained had been infantile plaints. Lily Pearl promptly went into hysterics. Juno shrieked aloud and even the self-contained Stella cried out as she ran to catch Polly in her arms, for the girl seemed about to faint. But Miss Sturgis, now thoroughly terrified at the crisis she had brought to pass, called madly for help.

"What with being frightened into hysterics first, and then having a strange fiancé thrust at me without a moment's notice, I think that I carried off the situation with rare delicacy and finesse. Do you think it would have been tactful to tell her it was nothing but a bull pup she was quoting Scripture about?" "I don't see how it was exactly your fault," Georgie acknowledged.

And when I look and look upon the labour of a moujik or a labourer, I am thrown into hysterics for shame at my algebraic calculations. There is the devil take it! there is something incongruous, altogether illogical, but which at this time is stronger than human reason.

Yo're Philip Hepburn's cousin, I reckon, and yo' bide at Haytersbank Farm? 'Yes; she's Sylvia Robson, put in Molly, not seeing that Hester's purpose was to make Sylvia speak, and so to divert her attention from the subject which had set her off into hysterics.

"But it can't be very important," she dissented afterward, "or he wouldn't have thrown it away." So she looked at the superscripture on the back of it. Then she gave a little gasp and tore it open and read it by the firelight. Miss Hugonin subsequently took credit to herself for not going into hysterics.

He wires for a regimental command gets it; and, by George, throws away a fortune to get the privilege of firing a cannon at Mrs. Ann's beloved Rebels. He mustn't make guns it seems he tries not to believe her hysterics at all affected by his tossing away this big contract." "Now, Doctor, you are in one of your cynical moods.

Then, over those invisible currents of communication which convey news through a school faster than a flame can spread, came the rumor that trouble was brewing. One of the monitors had told Dorrie Carr that Miss Gray had had hysterics in the office; that, in the midst of them, she had written out her resignation and that, after the first period, not an English class had been held!

Probably roused by her cries, the guest and the servants were now awake; next day all the neighbourhood would know that she had been in hysterics and would blame Pyotr Dmitritch. She made an effort to restrain herself, but her sobs grew louder and louder every minute. "For God's sake," she cried in a voice not like her own, and not knowing why she cried it. "For God's sake!"

After a moment he sat down beside her, and there was nothing in the action to mark it as heroic, or to betray the fact that he yearned to stamp out of the room after Bernard and leave her severely to her hysterics. "No good in being upset now," he remarked. "The thing's done, and crying won't undo it." "I don't want to undo it!" declared Netta. "I always did detest the horrible ferrety thing.

Walcott began to scream violently, as soon as she saw signs of an impending conflict, and was finally carried into the house in a fit of hysterics. A very pretty little altercation between the two combatants who were separated with difficulty and the landlord and his myrmidons then followed.