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Updated: August 27, 2024

She struck at an acute angle, rebounded in the air for a moment, and with a hiss skittered along over the waves, planing with the help of her exhaust under the step of the boat. There she was, a hull, narrow, scow-bowed, like a hydroplane, with a long pointed stern and a cockpit for two men, near the bow.

"Hope it's the Queen Mary" replied the lad. "It should be if I have calculated correctly." A few moments later the outline of a large ship of war loomed up ahead. "Can you make her out yet?" asked Jack. "No; but she's built like the Queen Mary" The hydroplane sped on. "By Jove! She is the Queen Mary" cried Frank, a few moments later. "We're in luck." Frank was right.

Jack fired but without result and then Frank fired again. There was another scream. "Either got the other one, or the same one again," said Frank. They waited some moments in silence, but no further shots came from the foe. "By Jove!" said Jack, "you must have got them both. Let's go and have a look." Slowly, Frank started the hydroplane and they bore down on the enemy.

A little way behind him stood Bill Bender and Jack Curtiss. "Oh, I beg your pardon, Sam," said Rob. "I really admire your hydroplane very much, and I think it will give us a tussle for the trophy, all right; but I don't think she'd be much good in any kind of a sea-way."

His arms closed about the body of Reginald Warren in a grip which he braced by a curious finger-lock he had learned in wrestling practice. Two revolvers barked over the taffrail of the yacht, as the hydroplane raced onward, dragging Shirley and his prisoner at the end of the rope, through the water.

"Shiver my garboard strake," he exclaimed contritely, when Rob pointed out to him that he might have killed one of the occupants of the hydroplane, "shiver my garboard strake, lad, I saw red fer a minute just like I did that time the Chinese pirates boarded the Sarah Jane Butts in the Yellow River."

The type B has a rounded under body, the forward end being also skiff-shaped to decrease as much as possible the resistance of the water impact. Hydroplane Floats. The third type C is made in the form of a closed boat, with both ends pointed, and the bottom rounded, or provided with a keel.

There, what appeared to be many miles away, though in reality it was but a few, was a dark blur below. Occasionally what appeared to be little stars twinkled there. Jack knew they were the lights of some town. "Guess that's where we are headed for, all right," he told himself. Behind the British hydroplane the other German airships came rapidly, keeping some distance apart, however.

I'm afraid my arm is broken. It pains me terribly. I must get to a surgeon soon as possible." Dave got the hydroplane under way again. He was fortunate in striking a course that brought them back to the boat house in about an hour's time. The rescued man was somewhat revived by this time, and when the hydroplane was safely housed, Dave took his arm and piloted the way from the beach.

"Beats all what people are a-doing nowadays," ventured the farmer, shaking his head with astonishment, almost awe, as he looked the thing over. "They ain't even contented to just fly like a red-tailed hawk, or an eagle that kin look the sun direct in the eye; but now they got to have a contraption that's at home in the air or on the water; a hydroplane you called, it didn't you, Andy?

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