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The air has made me sleep more soundly than I have done for some time, and I dare say it will do me a great deal of good in every way. You may suppose what a southern climate this is, when I tell you that myrtles and verbena, three or four feet high, and hydrangeas are in flower in the gardens even in ours, which is about a hundred and fifty yards from the sea.

Were they to scream? Or fall into each other's arms and sob? Marta found a strange pleasure in looking at her garden before it was spattered with blood, as it had been in the last war. It had never seemed more beautiful. There was a sublimity in nature's obliviousness to the thrashing of the air with shells in a gentle breeze that fluttered the petals of the hydrangeas.

About us neither had gained a footing; laburnums, pink mays, snowballs, and trees of arbor-vitae, rose out of laurels and hydrangeas, green and brilliant into the sunlight. Beyond Kensington dense smoke was rising, and that and a blue haze hid the northward hills. The artilleryman began to tell me of the sort of people who still remained in London.

The extent of the grounds afforded opportunity for the massing of the different varieties of hardy plants, such as roses, peonies, hydrangeas, and also of the newer varieties of cannas and geraniums. In the conservatory adjoining the Horticulture building proper were exhibited fine collections of ferns and a large display of gladiolas, and also one of peonies.

Ben was quite in love with Mrs. French. And now they were filling up the conservatory for winter blooming; and Hanny wished they could have some house-flowers. Her mother had hydrangeas and an oleander; but they were put in the end of the stable for winter. Now and then she went up to Margaret's to stay all night.

The cool green foliage of a bank of hydrangeas running from the great ilexes to the corner of the house thick-set with discs of misty pink and blue blossom took his fancy, as contrast to the beds of scarlet and crimson geranium naming in the sun.

"I do believe, Grace," she remarked, "the dampness is good for the complexion. You're as downy as a peach." "Dampness is a beautifier. Leonore says so. That's what makes Newport so popular. Ever see the hydrangeas grow there? But Cleo dear, you haven't been forgotten in the fog. You are rather peachy yourself." "Nay, nay, false friend.

She continued to shake her head and her eyes wandered suggestively to the hydrangeas, but Giuseppe still made a feint of preoccupation. Not being a cruel mistress, she dropped the subject, and turned back to her conversation with the washer-girls. They were discussing a pleasant topic for a sultry summer afternoon the probable content of Paradise.

It's Willow-pattern-land. Don't you recognize it?" "Of course," the Mariner assured her. "You and I used to play here together when we were children. You remember that blue boat of ours? And see, there's our house the pink one, with the green-and-white-lozenge shutters, and the thicket of hydrangeas reflected in the water. Isn't it good to come back to our own?"

Its expanse of veranda, its fluttering green and white awnings, its giant tubs of blossoming hydrangeas, to say nothing of its Italian garden with rose-laden pergolas, were as out of place as if Saint Peter's itself had been dropped down into a tiny New England fishing hamlet.