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"Can you give me some supper while I'm waiting?" "Sooper?" The innkeeper scratched his chin doubtfully. "'Tis late in the ebenin' to be getting sooper. There's nawthing greut in the howse. You could 'ave some tay p'raps an egg." "That will do." The innkeeper roared forth a summons, which was answered by a rugged Cornish lass from the kitchen.

It was required that "every dwellinge howse shalbe pallizadoed," that guards be maintained and that careful and constant inspection by commanders insure working and ready arms and ammunition. Good watch was to be maintained even when at work in the fields and powder was not to be wasted "unnecessarily in drinking or entertainementes."

Whether it's a good plan for the howse, in course I don't kno, but Mr. FOURBES, the souperintendent of the Beeches, says as nothink woodn't injuice 'em to alter the name. Whether that singler custom had anythink to do with it I don't kno, but our party didn't stay there long, and we soon found ourselves at bewtifool Burn'em Beaches.

'I think I would like to be alone now, Howse, she says, 'just for a little while. And then, 'We must hope for better news in the morning. I asked her, 'Would you like me to send Ponting up to you, ma'am? But she shook her head: 'No, Howse, I would rather be by myself. I will ring when I require Ponting. I do not feel as if I should care to go to bed just yet, she says quite firmly.

He rose from the bench on which they had been sitting: "Is the gentleman in the motor, Howse?" "Yes, sir. He wouldn't come in." "Go and tell him that we are coming at once." And then, after a moment, he said quietly, "I'm coming, too." "Oh, but " she exclaimed. "I don't choose to have my wife's presence commanded by the Dean of Witanbury, or even, if it comes to that, by the Home Office."

'I know you'll be sorry to hear, Howse, as how Major Guthrie is wounded and missing, she said, and then, 'I need not tell you, who are an old soldier, Howse, that such are the fortunes of war. Those, ma'am, were her exact words. Of course I explained how sorry I was, and I did my very best to hide from her how bad I took the news to be.

"On each hand of him was placed a comely and personable young woman, which they called his Queenes, the howse within round about beset with them, the outside guarded with a hundred bowmen." The first thing offered was a pipe of tobacco, which Powhatan "first drank," and then passed to Hamor, who "drank" what he pleased and then returned it.

Again she felt she was living in a dreamland of secret, poignant emotions shadowed by a great suspense and fear. "No. Nothing of the kind," said Howse confidently. "And on Major Guthrie's side there was only distant cousins. It's a peculiar kind of situation altogether, ma'am, if I may say so. Quite a long time may pass before we know whether the Major is alive or dead.

"On each hand of him was placed a comely and personable young woman, which they called his Queenes, the howse within round about beset with them, the outside guarded with a hundred bowmen." The first thing offered was a pipe of tobacco, which Powhatan "first drank," and then passed to Hamor, who "drank" what he pleased and then returned it.

In one of the chambers of the tower is the following sentence, carved on the frieze of the wainscot: "In the yeire of owre Ld. MDLV. was this howse buyldyd, by Sir Wyllyam Ingilby, Knight, Philip and Marie reigning that time."