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I've got the money that says so. "'At any rate, says Tutt, 'from all I sees, I reckons it's the general notion that we calls this thing a draw. We can't afford to go makin' a preecedent of hangin' a gent for hoss-stealin' who's only doin' his best to be present at this Myra's fooneral, whoever she may be. It's a heap disgustin', however, that we can't open up a talk with this party.

The old man smiled, and Bud slapped his leg gleefully. "Great great! Oh my, but who'd a thought of it?" he grunted. "They say it 'ud done you good to have been there the nex' mornin' an' heurd the cussin' recurd busted but me an' the filly was forty miles away. He got out a warrant for me for hoss-stealin', but the sheriff was for me, an' though he hunted high an' low he never could find me."

"What's a Hardscrabbler?" queried the well-dressed man. "Feller from the Hardscrabble Settlement over on Corsica Lake. Tough lot, they are. Make their own laws, when they want any; run their place to suit themselves. Ain't much they ain't up to. Hoss-stealin', barn-burnin', boot-leggin', an' murder thrown in when " "Be you the doctor was to Corsica Village two years ago?"

Everybody knows that Bowney's been at the bottom of all the deviltry that's been done in the county this three year. Highway robbery's a hangin' offense in Texas an' every other well-regilated State; so's hoss-stealin', an' so's shootin' a man in the back, an' yit Bowney's done ev'ry one of 'em over an' over agin.

"What are you in for, young feller?" "I'm charged with stealing a horse." "Smart boy!" said the tramp admiringly. "I didn't think you was up to hoss-stealin'." "I am not. The charge is false." "That's right! Stick to it! Deny everything. That's what I do." Half an hour later the outer door was opened and the constable reappeared, followed by a young man of about thirty. "This is Mr.

Primus," she called, "w'at wuz Ben Davis, w'at useter own dis yer house, sent ter de penitenchy fer?" "Hoss-stealin'," came back the reply in sleepy accents, from the man seated by the fireplace. The traveler went on to the next house. A neat-looking yellow woman came to the door when he rattled the gate, and stood looking suspiciously at him. "W'at you want?" she asked.