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Updated: August 13, 2024

The essential feature of universal brotherhood is common origin, present struggle, and future hope; the essential feature of racial, national, or community brotherhood is patriotism; the essential feature of brotherhood of the order is mutual helpfulness; the essential feature in brotherhood of the profession is common pursuit; in brotherhood of the family, common parentage; in conjugal affection, attraction for opposite sex; in parental and filial love, love of offspring and love of parent; while in friendship the essential feature is harmony of natures.

His service was no mere soft and pliant, sympathetic helpfulness, but it could smite and stab, and be severe, and knit its brow, and speak stern words, as all true service must. For it is not service but cruelty to sympathise with the sinner, and say nothing in condemnation of his sin. And yet no sternness is blessed which is not plainly prompted by desire to help.

Woman is not less but much more womanly, if she has exchanged fear for courage; deceit for truthfulness; ill-health for vitality; helplessness for helpfulness.

The helpfulness, resourcefulness, and untiring efforts of our Ambassador, Myron T. Herrick, won the gratitude of all Americans whom the war had interned on the continent and who must get home. There was a remarkable change in England. When we left in July there was almost hysteria over the threatening civil war. In October the people were calm though involved in the greatest war in their history.

The consciousness of her impotence did not act kindly upon her temper, and she burst out: "I do not want her here. I wish she would have done with her officious helpfulness. Why can't she mind her own business, and let me alone?" Mr. Belcher's temper rose to the occasion; for, although he saw in Mrs.

What he says might with slight change have been penned to-day. We have gone no further in helpfulness as regards this sad disease.

With no family for which to save money, and with no care to put away money for himself, he thinks only of money as an instrument for helpfulness. I never heard a friend criticize him except for too great open-handedness.

It is joy and helpfulness. When for the love of music one seeks to do good then music has borne its blossom. Thus, by learning the life of a simple plant we learn the true mission of the beautiful art of tone. It must put forth deeply its roots into the heart that it may be fed. It must strive for strength as it grows against whatever may befall it.

Hetherington, rather breathlessly, confirmed her suspicion. "He fought about you Ole Fred said you'd been in his cabin, and young Mr. Fame went for him," she said enviously. "Of course I've been in his cabin. It's Jimmy's cabin I had to get Jimmy's clean things," she said indignantly. Mrs. Hetherington put on an air of helpfulness. "You should always be so careful, dearie. I am. Oh most careful!

I have no patience with professional charity, or with any sort of commercialized humanitarianism. The moment human helpfulness is systematized, organized, commercialized, and professionalized, the heart of it is extinguished, and it becomes a cold and clammy thing. Real human helpfulness is never card-catalogued or advertised.

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