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Updated: August 3, 2024

The sand on the banks was disposed in layers, alternately white and red, the white being quartz, and the red pulverised garnets. The arranging of these sand-bands by the water must be due to the different specific gravities of the garnet and quartz; the former being lighter, is lifted by the current on to the surface of the quartz, and left there when the waters retire.

In the "gravity" Daniell the solutions are kept apart by their specific gravities, yet mingle by slow diffusion. The wires to connect the plates are shown at WW. It should be noticed that the zinc is cast like a wheel to expose a larger surface to oxidation, and to reduce the resistance of the cell, thus increasing the yield of current.

His determinations of the specific gravities of different varieties were as follows: Chalky tabasheer. 2.189 Translucent tabasheer. 2.167 Transparent tabasheer. 2.160 The results obtained were as follows: Loss at 100° C. Loss at red heat. Chalky tabasheer. 0.838 per cent. 1.277 per cent. Translucent tabasheer. 1.620 " " 3.840 " " Transparent tabasheer. 2.411 " " 4.518 " " Dr.

The following year he invented an instrument for determining the specific gravities of liquids, which was generally adopted. One of Watt's inventions was a new method of readily measuring distances by telescope, which he used in making his various surveys for canals. Such instruments are in general use to-day.

He did not make computations. There was no time. The war rocket might have started at four or five gravities acceleration, but it would speed up as its fuel burned. It might be accelerating at fifteen gravities now, and have an attained velocity of four miles a second and still increasing. If the little ship ducked under it, it could not kill that rate-of-climb in time to follow in a stern chase.

In a substance of imperfect fluidity, like molten rock, it is hardly credible, that the separate, infinitely small atoms, whether of feldspar, augite, or of any other mineral, would have power from their slightly different gravities to overcome the friction caused by their movement; but if the atoms of any one of these minerals became, whilst the others remained fluid, united into crystals or granules, it is easy to perceive that from the lessened friction, their sinking or floating power would be greatly increased.

And there is a limit to the number of gravities a man can take, even in an acceleration chair. Nevertheless, that was what Haney proposed. They were due to be killed anyhow. Joe tried it. He dived into atmosphere. At 60 miles altitude a thin wailing seemed to develop without reason.

Weight seized upon them, three gravities of acceleration toward the rushing flood of clouds and solidity which was the Earth. The ship plunged downward with all its power. It was intolerable and ten times worse because they had been weightless so long and were still shaken and sore and bruised from the air-graze only minutes back.

"Or," Wade put in, "give me that weight annihilator and I'll beat you at your own game. What's the secret?" "That's a cute gadget. How much load does it carry?" asked Morey, more practically. "I can develop about ten tons as far as it goes, but the human body can't take more than five gravities, so we can only visit planets with less than that surface gravity.

It moved above the moon's surface to get over the tilted flat Dabney field plate on the ground a hundred yards from the ship's original position. The Dabney field, obviously, was not in being. The ship hovered on its rockets. They had been designed to lift it off of Earth and they had against six times the effective gravity here, and with an acceleration of more gravities on top of that.

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