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But then, it must be remembered that the old prejudice against "cold water" still lingers amongst the country folk of Gloucestershire; so that this story must always be taken cum grano salis. There are few trout streams to our mind more delightful from the angler's point of view than the Gloucestershire Coln.

Colonel Buckmaster, Lord Bagwig's private secretary, knew her, and says it is to a T. And I read out to some of my young fellows what you said about play, and how you had given it over. I very much fear some of the young rogues are at dice and brandy-pawnee before tiffin. What you say of young Ridley, I take cum grano.

I should hardly, therefore, use the word in this sense without putting it in italics as a license of expression, to be received cum grano salis. All provincial or bye-phrases come under the same mark of reprobation all such as the writer transfers to the page from his fireside or a particular coterie, or that he invents for his own sole use and convenience.

The actual players and the umpires are perhaps alone qualified to judge to what extent the fluctuations of the game are affected by the vagaries of weather and ground. For this reason it is well to take newspaper criticism cum grano salis. What is the cause of the extraordinary fluctuations of form which all cricketers, from the greatest to the least, are more or less subject to?

This is to be understood cum grano salis; but be it as it will, as the parallel is made more for the sake of letting the apostrophe cool, than any thing else, 'tis not very material whether upon any other score the reader approves of it or not.

He seemed most for the Anabaptists, Antinomians, and Seekers, but "did not openly profess what opinion he was of himself." But on Toleration of Religious Differences he was explicit and decided. The good, though narrow and hypochondriac, Baxter may be thoroughly relied on for whatever he vouches as a fact known to himself; otherwise, cum grano.

Whether he noticed that I had detected it or not, I cannot say, but he moved his hand quickly, and ever after kept it closed. His name, he told me, was Konstantinos Vassos, and he lived in Athens. But I took that information cum grano, for I instinctively knew him to be a prince traveling incognito. Before the passport officer at Semlin, every one must pass before entering Serbia.

Much has been given to the world in relation to the vicinity of the Great Salt Lake and the contiguous part of Utah by the famous author, Washington Irving, in his adventures of Captain Bonneville, but it should be taken cum grano salis; for, as Bancroft truthfully observes: Irving humoured the captain, whose vanity prompted him to give his own name to the lake, although he had not a shadow of title to that distinction.

Attention is directed to the not infrequent ulcers of the eyes, which occur in variolae and may destroy the sight; also to ulcerations of the nose, throat, oesophagus, lungs and intestines, the latter of which often produce a dangerous diarrhoea. When variolae occurs in boys, it is recommended to tie the hands of the patient to prevent scratching. Similiter pannus tinctus de grano."

He also painted in the orto, or garden, of the convent, the now perished fresco of the Parable of the Vineyard. Meanwhile, the rival friends had changed lodgings; they left the Piazza del Grano, and took rooms in the Sapienza, a street between the Piazza San Marco and the S. Annunziata.