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The tide was very far out, and the black cave, in which we had hitherto seen only sulky waves tumbling unhappily, had become a wonder equal to those Krok used to open to us in the Gouliots.

"She's an old dear," said Margaret. "They shall both have the very best time we can give them." "I shall take them conger-eeling," said Graeme, "and to Venus's Bath" "And down the Boutiques and the Gouliots" suggested Margaret. "And ormering in Grande Grève," laughed Miss Penny, who had spent a day there on that alluring pursuit and had come home bruised and wet and dirty.

The sea was white with beaten spume for half a mile each way, and up through the tumbling marbled surface great black coils of water came writhing and bubbling from their tribulation on the hidden rocks below. The black fangs of the Gouliots were grimmer than ever. The long line of scoured granite cliffs on either side looked like great bald-headed eagles peering out hungrily for their prey.

"It's what was in my mind. I'll see Amice Le Couteur at once." "B'en! and give the word to all you see, George," she called after him. "And bid the women and children to the Gouliots if they hear they are coming the upper chamber above the black rock. It won't be just hide-and-seek this time." "Good idea!" Uncle George called back over his shoulder. "Common sense," said Aunt Jeanne.

"I'd undertake to hold the Gouliots against the lot of them if the tide was at flood." "And you really think they may come across here again, Aunt Jeanne?" I asked. "Ma , yes, I do. They were angry men before, but if the Guernsey men have smoked them out they'll be simply devils, and it's just as well to look ahead. How is that arm of yours?" "The other one's all right. I can do my share."

But, wherever he went down underground in the Boutiques or the Gouliots; or lying on the Eperquerie among the flaming gorse and cloudlike stretches of primroses; or standing on Longue Pointe while the sun sank in unearthly splendours behind Herm and Guernsey; or watching from the windmill the throbbing life-lights all round the wide horizon; wherever he was, and whatever he was doing, there with him always was the poignant remembrance of Margaret Brandt and his loss in her.

And here we found what Krok had shown us in the Gouliots as their chiefest beauties, the roof and walls were studded with anemones of every size and colour, green and crimson, and brown and pink, and lavender and white and orange; so completely was the rock clothed with them that it was not rock we saw, but masses and sheets and banks of the lovely clinging things, all closed up within themselves till the water should return, and shining like polished gems in the ghostly green light.

"What about M. Le Marchant and Martin?" I asked. "They are in the cellar. No one will find them. The Gouliots was too far for them." Women and children were running past towards Saut de Juan, the women anxious for their men, the children racing and skipping as if it were a picnic.

"If it should be a fine sunset," he explained to the ladies, "the view of the Sark cliffs from Belême there, opposite the Gouliots, is one of the finest sights in the island."

He guided their more active energies through the anemone-studded and sponge-fringed caves under the Gouliots; through the long rough-polished, sea-scoured passages of the Boutiques; down the seamed cliffs at Les Fontaines and Grande Grève; along the precarious tracks and iron rings into Derrible; with the assistance of a rope, into Le Pot.