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In these days of slowing wheels and silenced anvils South Tredegar had its own troubles, and when some one telephoned the editor of the Morning Tribune that Chiawassee Consolidated had succumbed at last, he did not deem it worth while to inquire whether the strike at Gordonia was the cause or the consequence of the sudden shut-down.

But Tom, the man, was a new creature. While waiting for the reply to his telegram, he plunged doggedly back into the scholastic whirlpool, kicked, struggled, strangled, got his head above water, and found, vastly to his own amazement, that the thing was actually compassable in spite of the mighty distractions. The return telegram from Gordonia was a day late.

A native of North America, and readily cultivated in any soil of even fair quality. For town planting it is a valuable tree. There is a good weeping variety named G. triacanthos pendula. China, 1774. This nearly resembles the latter, and is occasionally to be met with in cultivation in this country. GORDONIA LASIANTHUS. Loblolly Bay. North America, 1739.

There was little in the stately service and luxurious appointments of the country colony's church to attract the working-men, and much to repel them. She wondered that Mr. Morelock, young as he was, did not understand this. "The mission of St. John's is hardly to the working people of Gordonia, is it?" she said, more in exculpation than in criticism.

Since provincialism is by no means the exclusive distinction of the landward bred, there was an immediate restirring of the gossip pool when the story of Tom's befriending of Nancy Bryerson and her child got abroad in Gordonia and among the country colonists.

Off to the left a touch of sepia on the sky-line marked the chimneys of Crestcliffe Inn, and farther around, and happily almost hidden by the shouldering of the hills, a grayer cloud hung over the industries at Gordonia.

Gordonia, of the single side-track, had grown into a small iron town, with the Chiawassee plant flanking a good half-mile of the railway; with a cindery street or two, and a scummy wave of operatives' cottages and laborers' shacks spreading up the hillsides which were stripped bare of their trees and undergrowth.

Ging is peopled by Bhotan emigrants, and when one dies, if his relations can afford to pay for them, two additional poles and flags are set up by the Lamas in honour of his memory, and that of Sunga, the third member of the Boodhist Trinity. Below this the Gordonia commences, with Cedrela toona, and various tropical genera, such as abound near Punkabaree.

Excursion from Dorjiling to Great Rungeet Zones of vegetation Tree-ferns Palms, upper limit of Leebong, tea plantations Ging Boodhist remains Tropical vegetation Pines Lepcha clearances Forest fires Boodhist monuments Fig Cane bridge and raft over Rungeet Sago-palm India-rubber Yel Pote Butterflies and other insects Snakes Camp Temperature and humidity of atmosphere Junction of Teesta and Rungeet Return to Dorjiling Tonglo, excursion to Bamboo flowering Oaks Gordonia Maize, hermaphrodite flowered Figs Nettles Peepsa Simonbong, cultivation at European fruits at Dorjiling Plains of India.

Colonel Duxbury was writing letters at the Cupola when the broker's telegram was handed him, and he broke a rule which had held good for the better part of a cautious, self-contained lifetime: he went to the buffet and took a stiff drink of brandy alone. The following morning the miners and all the white men employed in the furnace and foundries and coke yards at Gordonia went on strike.