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'Good God! said Miss Bertram hastily to Sampson, ''t is that wretch Glossin's voice! If my father sees him, it will kill him outright! Sampson wheeled perpendicularly round, and moved with long strides to confront the attorney as he issued from beneath the portal arch of the ruin. 'Avoid ye! he said, 'avoid ye! wouldst thou kill and take possession?

Glossin, was to negotiate these three bills, drawn by you on Messrs. Vanbeest and Vanbruggen, and accepted by one Dirk Hatteraick in their name on the very day of the murder. I congratulate you on their being regularly retired, as I perceive they have been. I think the chances were against it. Glossin's countenance fell. 'This piece of real evidence, continued Mr.

The noise of his rap alarmed some twenty or thirty ragged boys, who left off sailing their mimic sloops and frigates in the little pools of salt water left by the receding tide, and hastily crowded round the vehicle to see what luckless being was to be delivered to the prison-house out of 'Glossin's braw new carriage. The door of the courtyard, after the heavy clanking of many chains and bars, was opened by Mrs.

In about half an hour, his servant returned with the following answer, handsomely folded, and sealed with the Hazlewood arms, having the Nova Scotia badge depending from the shield: 'Sir Robert Hazlewood of Hazlewood returns Mr. G. Glossin's compliments, and thanks him for the trouble he has taken in a matter affecting the safety of Sir Robert's family.

I am a soldier, sir, somewhat impatient of forms and introductions. So saying, he drew himself up in his chair and waited for Mr. Glossin's communication. 'Be pleased to look at that letter, said Glossin, putting Protocol's epistle into Mannering's hand, as the shortest way of stating his business.

In about half an hour, his servant returned with the following answer, handsomely folded, and sealed with the Hazlewood arms, having the Nova Scotia badge depending from the shield: 'Sir Robert Hazlewood of Hazlewood returns Mr. G. Glossin's compliments, and thanks him for the trouble he has taken in a matter affecting the safety of Sir Robert's family. Sir R.H. requests Mr.

Glossin, was to negotiate these three bills, drawn by you on Messrs. Vanbeest and Vanbruggen, and accepted by one Dirk Hatteraick in their name on the very day of the murder. I congratulate you on their being regularly retired, as I perceive they have been. I think the chances were against it. Glossin's countenance fell. 'This piece of real evidence, continued Mr.

"Yes, there's plenty of shells and sea-ware for manure, as you observe and if one inclined to build a new house, which might indeed be necessary, there's a great deal of good hewn stone about this old dungeon for the devil here " "Good God!" said Miss Bertram hastily to Sampson, "'tis that wretch Glossin's voice! if my father sees him, it will kill him outright!"

The noise of his rap alarmed some twenty or thirty ragged boys, who left off sailing their mimic sloops and frigates in the little pools of salt water left by the receding tide, and hastily crowded round the vehicle to see what luckless being was to be delivered to the prison-house out of 'Glossin's braw new carriage. The door of the courtyard, after the heavy clanking of many chains and bars, was opened by Mrs.

He then guided Glossin up a steep and narrow stair, at the top of which was the door of the condemned ward; he unbarred and unlocked it, and, giving Glossin the lantern, made a sign to him to enter, and locked the door behind him with the same affected accuracy. In the large dark cell into which he was thus introduced Glossin's feeble light for some time enabled him to discover nothing.