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A few deep breaths, the brushing of one forearm and then the other across his forehead and cheeks, and again he grasped the tool. This time it came out hard, bringing out with its point particles of grayish-black earth, and the boy gave a low, shrill yell. It was a bed of clay that he had struck the bed on which, as the geologist had told him, the massive layers of coal had slept so long.

The objection has been raised that the geologist does not find any rocks which he can identify as portions of the primitive crust of the earth. It seems to me that it would be too much to expect the survival at the surface of any part of the first scum that cooled on that fiery ocean.

I know myself, whenever I meet a great geologist I always feel a little better to think I can say, 'I am a geologist, too. So you, I hope, may be able to say some day, 'I am a Forester, too." "I'm one now," said Wilbur elatedly. "You're not, you're only a cub yet," corrected his uncle sharply; "don't let your enthusiasm run away with your good sense.

Instantly Van Emmon's interest became acute. "By George! Is that right, doc? Are we likely to learn what the next hundred years will do for us?" "Don't know exactly." The doctor spoke cautiously. "That's merely what I infer from these books." "If we do," ran on the geologist excitedly, "we'll see how a lot of our present day theories will be worked out! I'm curious to see what comes of them.

He is the greatest humanitarian president the country has ever had. "But I've got a pile of recommendations. I've got recommendations from Thomas Essex, Land Commissioner, St. Louis, Iron Mountain, and Southern Railway W.S. Thomas, Geologist, St. Louis, Iron Mountain, Southern J.H. Harvey, General Foreman of Bridges and Building G.A.A. Deane, Land Commissioner succeeding Essex, St.

Ere entering upon the subject of Fossil Whales, I present my credentials as a geologist, by stating that in my miscellaneous time I have been a stone-mason, and also a great digger of ditches, canals and wells, wine-vaults, cellars, and cisterns of all sorts.

Ruskin's failure to perceive Claude's point of view to perceive that Claude's aim and Stanfield's, say, were quite different; that Claude, in fact, was at the opposite pole from the botanist and the geologist whom Mr.

I'm delighted!" he cried, not in the least startled or embarrassed by the proposition. "Now you shall see with your own eyes." "Yes, if it isn't too dark, I will, word of a geologist. Well, shall we start?" "But won't you have a weapon? We go armed, of course, inasmuch as the scoundrels may show fight when we come to arrest them."

The different kinds of marble collected are peculiarly interesting owing to their association with the different epochs of the history of the city and empire; and as the specimens which the geologist obtains throw light upon the formation of the rocky strata of the earth, so the small marble fragments which the student finds in Rome afford a clue to the various stages of its existence.

Second Day's Work. A Clearing Expanse. Third Day's Work. Land, sea and vegetation appear. The geologist Lyell says, "All land has been under water." Hitchcock says, "The surface of the globe has been a shoreless ocean." "And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind, and tree bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after its kind."