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Updated: August 13, 2024

You see Lily Rose works I mean she overworks in a factory, and so the Boarder you know he is awful gentle-like to her says that she mustn't keep house or do anything but real light work after this.

They're goin' with us, an' we all start out tiptoe and quiet-like so's not to wake up the ol' folks. The ground is frozen hard; we stub our toes on the frozen ruts in the road. When we come to the minister's house, Laura is standin' on the front stoop, a-waitin' for us. Laura is the minister's daughter. She's a friend o' Sister Helen's pretty as a dag'err'otype, an' gentle-like and tender.

Kiss me, Maggie, kiss me, dear, dear Maggie." "All right, Miss. You was angry with me afore, and now you're a-hugging of me, and I don't see no more sense in one than t'other. Ef you'll hold the baby up warm to you, Miss, and breathe ag'in her cheek werry gentle-like, you'll be a-doing more good than a-kissing of me.

This is the second time you have saved me, and I am not the girl to forget it, if I could only show my gratitude. Is there any way? 'There's Jeanie, just them two words he said. 'Your wife? Oh yes, I heard about her, looking at him so kind and gentle-like. 'I saw it all in the papers. She's in Melbourne, isn't she? What is her address? 'Esplanade Hotel, St.

She’s more gentle-like and comes coaxin’ round me, and puttin’ her soft arms round my old shaggy neck says, ’Please, pa, if I’ll learn to make a nice pudding or pie of Aunt Judy, will you buy us a new looking-glass or rocking chair?’ And then ’tisn’t in my natur to refuse.

Pinsent moved across the room, took her by the arm, led her downstairs, an' gave her a little push out into the street. Not a word did she say, but shut the door 'pon her, very gentle-like. Then she went back an' pulled the blind down slowly. The crowd outside watched her do it. Her manner was quite ord'nary.

You're as strong as strong, and if you promise me this, you'll be splendid you'll be give me a drop of the cordial, child, you'll be I have been praying about it all day, I have been saying, 'Lord, send Bet in gentle-like, and trackable-like, and with no anger nourished in her heart, and, and, another sip, child the breath's short I you'll make me the promise, won't you, child?"

They're going with us, an' we all start out tiptoe and quiet-like so's not to wake up the ol' folks. The ground is frozen hard; we stub our toes on the frozen ruts in the road. When we come to the minister's house, Laura is standin' on the front stoop a-waitin' for us. Laura is the minister's daughter. She's a friend o' Sister Helen's pretty as a dagerr'otype, an' gentle-like and tender.

Brother Cartwright, he steps up to the hole in the floor when he first comes in and he says, gentle-like and soothing, like a undertaker when he tells you where to set at a home funeral: "Brother Walters." "Brother!" Hank yells out, "don't ye brother me, you sniffling, psalm-singing, yaller-faced, pigeon-toed hippercrit, you!

Andie Howe had his record. "Here comes George Ross. What's this they say now? that he don't come down from the mast-head now like he used to, when he strikes a school. When I was with him he was a pretty lively man comin' from aloft used to sort of fall down, you know. But now he comes down gentle-like slides down the back-stay.

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