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Updated: August 28, 2024

On the other hand, believing, as he emphatically did, that Hurd's slaying of Westall had been of a kind more deliberate and less capable of excuse than most murders, he would have held it a piece of moral cowardice to allow his own qualms and compunctions as to the rights and wrongs of game-preserving to interfere with a duty to justice and society.

And he, though individually he did not understand how there was to be game in the land if game-preserving was abolished, signed his name R. C. S. NEVIL BEAUCHAMP for Dr. SHRAPNEL, in the communications directed to solicitors of the persecutors of poachers. His behaviour to Grancey Lespel was eclipsed by his treatment of Captain Baskelett.

There was hardly a potato patch left in the district, nor a head of cattle to be seen. There were no inhabitants remaining, or so few that they could be absorbed in game-preserving or cognate duties.

"I do," said Wharton, smiling again. "Mayn't I for the present do what I will with mine own? I return in their wages some of my ill-gotten gains as a landowner. It is all makeshift, of course." "I understand!" exclaimed Marcella, nodding to him "you could not be a Venturist and keep up game-preserving?" Wharton met her bright eye with a half deprecating, reserved air.

Wharton was working up the defence with an energy and ability which set Burridge marvelling, it was still his, Burridge's opinion, that everything that could be advanced would be wholly unavailing with the jury; that the evidence, as it came into final shape, looked worse for Hurd rather than better; and that the only hope for the man lay in the after-movement for reprieve which can always be got up in a game-preserving case.

Sir Vane Peacock left no children, and the estates descended to his cousin, Sir Java Peacock, who, fortunately for Carlo, had been too long a witness of the evils arising from game-preserving to wish to continue them.

A strict Tory by breeding, and less by any process of intellectual conviction than from sheer inability to see himself in any other light, indolent and contemptuous of politics, in game-preserving alone he let his Toryism run into activity, even to a fine excess.

There was much shooting, but few were the ducks that fell before it. In concluding this story my friend remarked in a tone of disgust: "All the game-preserving sportsmen that come to me are just like that! They want to kill all they can kill!" There is a blood-test by which to separate the conscientious sportsmen from the mere gunners.

"You may all say what you like," said Marcella, suddenly, putting down her cup, and letting her hand drop for emphasis on her knee; "but you will never persuade me that game-preserving doesn't make life in the country much more difficult, and the difference between classes much wider and bitterer, than they need be."

"Do you know that man Wharton is getting an extraordinary hold upon the London working men?" said Hallin. "I have heard him tell that story of the game-preserving before. He was speaking for one of the Radical candidates at Hackney, and I happened to be there. It brought down the house. The rôle of your Socialist aristocrat, of your land-nationalising landlord, is a very telling one."

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