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New York Evening Post, Edited by W. C. Bryant. Second Edition. In fcap. 8vo. cloth, price 7s. uniform with "Proverbial Philosophy," with Vignette and Frontispiece. Just published, in foolscap 8vo. price 3s. cloth, Now first turned into English Metre, by Mr. Tupper. Price 10s 6d. with Portfolio,

A guinea to twopence Hyperion to a Satyr how can we extend the fame of The Keepsake! We cannot particularize the engravings; but they are all worthy companions of the frontispiece a lovely portrait of Mrs. Peel, engraved by Heath, from Sir Thomas Lawrence's picture.

This temper of mind is already advertised from the first to the observing reader of Van Dale by the character of his engraved frontispiece. Men are there exhibited in the act of juggling, and still more odiously as exulting over their juggleries by gestures of the basest collusion, such as protruding the tongue, inflating one cheek by means of the tongue, grinning, and winking obliquely.

"The Youth of Lady Constantia," "The Wandering Home," "The Shadow of the Rose," "Beauty's Portmanteau," and "Old Silver" are equal to his best work, and the story which bears the title "Poet take Thy Lute" will appeal especially to those who love what is best and most beautiful in literature. The Heroine with the Marvellous Voice By LINNIE SARAH HARRIS With frontispiece. 12mo. $1.50

The look was like the fall of light on the hills from the first of morning. It lasted half a minute, and left a ruffle for a good half- hour. Even the younger fellows, without knowing what affected them, were moved by the new picture of a girl, as if it had been a frontispiece of a romantic story some day to be read.

Alas! since then I have completed the descent, so where my future will be spent I do not care to think. Another picture in the book that troubled me was the frontispiece. This was a highly-coloured print, illustrating the broad and narrow ways. The narrow way led upward past a Sunday-school and a lion to a city in the clouds.

It is a fascinating story. Frontispiece. This big human drama is played in the Painted Desert. A lovely girl, who has been reared among Mormons, learns to love a young New Englander. The Mormon religion, however, demands that the girl shall become the second wife of one of the Mormons Well, that's the problem of this sensational, big selling story. BETTY ZANE Illustrated by Louis F. Grant.

He has a large number of the Illinois pictures made from 1858 to 1860, such as the Gilmer picture, which we use as a frontispiece in the present number, a large collection of Brady photographs, the masks, Volk's bust, and other interesting portraits. These he has studied from a sculptor's point of view, comparing them carefully with the portraiture of other men, as Webster and Emerson. Mr.

Also a small scholastic-looking volume, in a classic vellum binding, and with a frontispiece bringing together at one view the towers and turrets of King's College and the magnificent Cathedral of Ely, though geographically sixteen miles apart, entitled, "The Cambridge Guide: its Colleges, Halls, Libraries, and Museums, with the Ceremonies of the Town and University, and some account of Ely Cathedral."

A book was lying open within, which Ripton immediately hustled among a mass of papers and tossed into a dark corner, not before the glimpse of a coloured frontispiece was caught by Sir Austin's eye. The baronet smiled, and said, "You study Heraldry, too? Are you fond of the science?"