Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 14, 2024

From this cross-road he could see the railway, where a line of freight-cars, drawn by a puffing locomotive, was passing cars of all colours, marked on one end "Elsass-Lothringen," on the other "Alsace-Lorraine."

Why, that train from Maryborough will consist of eighteen freight-cars and two passenger-kennels; cheap, poor, shabby, slovenly; no drinking water, no sanitary arrangements, every imaginable inconvenience; and slow? oh, the gait of cold molasses; no air-brake, no springs, and they'll jolt your head off every time they start or stop. That's where they make their little economies, you see.

It was in a small town in New Jersey that they found themselves weather-bound. The sky seemed to rain ice-water and they took refuge in the village's one hotel, a dismal place near the freight-station. The entrance was up a narrow staircase, past a bar-room door. The rooms were ill furnished and ill kept, and the noise of screaming locomotives and jangling freight-cars was incessant.

I think I'm as honest a fellow as the average, but I have to confess that I couldn't decide to do right till I thought that Madge wouldn't want me to be dishonest, even for her. I turned across the railroad tracks, and cut in behind some freight-cars that were standing on a siding.

Hitherto he had sat in our group in silence. When he opened his mouth to discourse, it was natural that he should have a prompt and somewhat curious hearing. "Speaking of walking," he said, "I have walked a bit in my time. Mostly, though, I've rode on freight-cars. The longest straight tramp I ever made was from Harrisburg to Philadelphia once when the trains weren't running.

"Well, I'd ought to, seem' as I've lived next door to the engine yards all my life, and spent my time dodgin' the cop on watch there, when I was tryin' to steal rides on freight-cars and such." "Is that what you're hangin' around here now for?" asked the man, with a good-natured twinkle in his eyes. "Nope! I'm waiting for that MacIntyre kid to come back this way.

But as we approached the front though still miles and miles behind the fighting-line the signs of war became increasingly apparent: base camps, remount depots, automobile parks, aviation schools, aerodromes, hospitals, machine-shops, ammunition-dumps, railway sidings chock-a-block with freight-cars and railway platforms piled high with supplies of every description.

"Better stay in the car and don't hang out the windows.... Good luck to you!" Only a few passengers were in the car and they were Mexicans at the forward end. This branch train consisted of one passenger-coach, with a baggage-car, attached to a string of freight-cars. Helen told herself, somewhat grimly, that soon she would know surely whether or not her suspicions of Harve Riggs had warrant.

The freight-cars on the accommodation train jostled and rocked about and heaved up laterally till they resembled a long line of awkward, frightened, galloping buffaloes. The one coach was scantily filled with passengers, mainly poorly clothed farmers and their families.

Great masses of green, slimy seaweed, shells, water-soaked driftwood, and thousands of medusas, which had been thrown up by the storm, lay strewn in piles along the beach; but we dashed through and over them at a mad gallop, never drawing rein for an instant except to pick our way among enormous masses of rock, which in some places had caved away from the summit of the cliff and blocked up the beach with grey barnacle-encrusted fragments as large as freight-cars.

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