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Updated: August 20, 2024

They walked on in silence and, still deep in thought over the matter, turned into a neighboring tavern for refreshment. Mr. Henshaw drank his with the air of a man performing a duty to his constitution; but Mr. Stokes, smacking his lips, waxed eloquent over the brew. "I hardly know what I'm drinking," said his friend, forlornly. "I suppose it's four-half, because that's what I asked for." Mr.

"Well, they won't have their backs broke as carry this one downstairs. He ain't a Danny Lambert, anyway." "No, they don't feed ye on Bovril in plyces syme as this. I'll lay ye odds yer own looking-glass wouldn't know ye arter three months 'ard on religion and dry tommy." "It pawses me 'ow people tyke to it. Gimme my pint of four-half, and my own childring to follow me."

We were introduced to a ship's steward who offered to do us a cellar-flap for a pot of four-half, but that was not what we wanted. The stage sailor is gay and rollicking: the real sailors we have met have been, some of them, the most worthy and single-minded of men, but they have appeared sedate rather than gay, and they haven't rollicked much.

'That'll be his mother; he did tell me about her lived at Knype, Staffordshire, he said. I'll see to it. They gave Darkey the letter. 'So his name's Hancock, he soliloquized, when he got into the street. 'I knew a girl of that name once. I'll go and have a pint of four-half.

"It ain't in my line," I says. So he gave a grin like, and kep' on talking. "If you want a four-half shiner," he says, "you know where to come. Reasonable with them as is reasonable. Thursday night," he says, and then he slung his hook round the corner. 'What's a four-half shiner? inquired Bob, looking from under his eyebrows. 'Well, I didn't know myself, just then: but I've found out.

It was one way of keeping warm, and there was always a possibility of aid from one or other of the acquaintances whom he sought. The net result of the night's campaign was half-a-pint of 'four-half. The front of a draper's shop in Kennington tempted him sorely; he passed it many times, eyeing the rolls of calico and flannel exposed just outside the doorway.

They walked on in silence and, still deep in thought over the matter, turned into a neighboring tavern for refreshment. Mr. Henshaw drank his with the air of a man performing a duty to his constitution; but Mr. Stokes, smacking his lips, waxed eloquent over the brew. "I hardly know what I'm drinking," said his friend, forlornly. "I suppose it's four-half, because that's what I asked for." Mr.

At nine o'clock that night Darkey was still consuming four-half, and relating certain adventures by sea which, he averred, had happened to himself. He was very drunk. 'Yes, he said, 'and them five lil' gals was lying there without a stitch on 'em, dead as meat; 's 'true as I'm 'ere. I've seen a thing or two in my time, I can tell ye.

Testimony was current in and about the house to this effect, and may be given broadly in the terms in which it reached Uncle Moses. His comment was that the building trade was a bad lot, mostly; you had only to take your eye off it half a minute, and it was round at the nearest bar trying the four-half. Mr. Jerry's experience had been the same. Mrs.

If, however, there had been a rock on the premises and he had had all the powers of his namesake, four-half would have had to run as fast from it as ever did water from the rock in Horeb, to keep down the thirst of Golden Square.

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