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Updated: August 16, 2024

When Ranulph had gone to sing ballads of the camp among the troopers, and the young girls had been ceremoniously escorted to their guarded room, she unrolled and read the missive. It was not long. "Dear and Honored Lady I pray you pardon the fooleries of the night, since in this way only could I hope to escape the surveillance of these miscreants and do you service.

I am as sure as that I stand here that they did not come there of themselves. There was no room for such suspicions in the pure soul of the girl I married." I make no answer. "If it were not for the misery of it," he goes on, that dark flush that colored his bronzed face the other night again spreading over it, "I could laugh at the gross absurdity of the idea! To begin such fooleries at my age!

The fooleries of Della Crusca, and the fooleries of Kotzebue, had for a time bewitched the multitude, and had left no trace behind them; nor had misdirected genius been able to save from decay the once flourishing schools of Godwin, of Darwin, and of Radcliffe.

Because two people elect to join hands for the journey of life, is there any adequate reason why all their idle acquaintances should accompany them with cymbals and prancings and all sorts of fooleries just at the most solemn moment of their life? 'I suppose they wish to express their sympathy, I returned. 'Sympathy should wear a quieter garb.

His imagination may raise the idol of his heart, unblamed, above humanity; and happy would it be for women, if they were only flattered by the men who loved them; I mean, who love the individual, not the sex; but should a grave preacher interlard his discourses with such fooleries? In sermons or novels, however, voluptuousness is always true to its text.

I have no taste for such fooleries. Show them to my brother Louis. He is worthy of them." Probably the following remarks of Napoleon, made at St. Helena, will give a very correct idea of his prevailing feeling upon the subject of religion. "The sentiment of religion is so consolatory, that it must be considered a gift from Heaven. What a resource would it not be for us here, to possess it.

"Come, trapper," continued Ishmael, in a tone of better humour, like a man who feels that he has triumphed, "neither of us, I reckon, has ever had much to do with title-deeds, or county clerks, or blazed trees; therefore we will not waste words on fooleries.

Just as a swarm of ephemeral constitutions, democratic, directorial, and consular, sprang from the decay of the ancient monarchy; just as a swarm of new superstitions, the worship of the Goddess of Reason, and the fooleries of the Theo-philanthropists, sprang from the decay of the ancient Church; even so, out of the decay of the ancient French eloquence sprang new fashions of eloquence, for the understanding of which new grammars and dictionaries were necessary.

The doctor was so confident, and the scheme, to the sanguine Celtic imagination of the worthy matron, appeared so facile of execution and infallible of success, that I believe she would at that moment have embraced, and even kissed, little Toole, in the exuberance of her gratitude, had that learned physician cared for such fooleries.

'Why, yes, replied Miss La Creevy, considering with the pencil end of her brush in her mouth. 'Two sittings more will 'Have them at once, ma'am, said Ralph. 'She'll have no time to idle over fooleries after tomorrow. Work, ma'am, work; we must all work. Have you let your lodgings, ma'am? 'I have not put a bill up yet, sir.

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