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Updated: August 6, 2024

It was for his sake, for his sake only that she was still thinking of George Tressady, still pondering the young man's character and remarks. So much at least was true no other member of Fontenoy's party had as yet given her even the chance of arguing with him. Once or twice in society she had tried to approach Fontenoy himself, to get somehow into touch with him. But she had made no way.

On the second night of Fontenoy's debate, George Tressady duly caught the Speaker's eye, and made a very fair maiden speech, which earned him a good deal more praise, both from his party and the press, than he in a disgusted mood thought at all reasonable. He had misplaced half his notes, and, in his own opinion, made a mess of his main argument.

"That if you want to know is Fontenoy's story!" "Oh, but tell me at once!" said Letty, imperiously. "But he hasn't got a story, or a heart. He's only stuffed with blue-book." "So I thought till a few weeks ago. But I know a good deal more now about Master Fontenoy than I did." "But who is she?" "She is a Mrs. Allison. Isn't that white hair beautiful?

What a woman, through all her dreams and mistakes, and therefore how adorable! He quickened his pace as the light failed. Presently he saw a figure coming towards him, emerging from the trees that skirted the main lawn. It was Fontenoy, and Fontenoy's supporter must needs recollect himself as quickly as possible. He had not seen much of his leader during the day.

However, I may as well warn you, Letty, that I sha'n't have time to be married once Fontenoy's anti-Maxwell campaign begins; and it will go on till the Day of Judgment." "Why anti-Maxwell," said Letty, puzzled. "I thought it was Mr. Dowson you are going to attack?"

Men might be seen talking with unaccustomed comrades; and those who were generally most frank had become discreet. It was known that Fontenoy's anxiety had been growing rapidly; and it was noticed that he and the young viscount who acted as the Whip of the party had kept an extraordinarily sharp watch on all their own men through the dinner-hour.

Since the passage of the Bill Fontenoy's reactionary movement had lost ground largely in the constituency; and the position of independent member with a general leaning to the Government was no doubt easily open to George Tressady.

Stephen's entrance an old white-haired gentleman, the friend and connection of Maxwell's father, had clapped the successful Minister on the back, with a laughing word in his ear: "Upon my word, Aldous, your beautiful lady is a wife to conjure with! I hear she has done the whole thing educated the young man, brought him to his bearings, spoilt all Fontenoy's plans, broken up the group, in fact.

"The gent'man say tell you 'Thank you. He say he ain't gwine trouble you much longer, an' he cyarn never forgit what Fontenoy's done fer him." "Deb!" said Uncle Edward, with great sharpness, "you are spilling that cup of milk. Look what you are doing, child!" The uncomfortable meal came to an end.

Tressady was still lingering in Bombay though supposed to be on his way home when Lord Fontenoy's letter reached him.

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