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Strong winds often carry them out over large bodies of water; but such a master flyer as the monarch beats its way back to shore, and, indeed, the monarch habitually flies long distances over salt water when migrating along our seacoast in spring and fall. At the moment of writing these paragraphs, I saw a hen-hawk flap heavily by, pursued by a kingbird.

A pair of blue cloth leggings having a loose flap on the outside, were next drawn over the trousers, as an additional protection to the knees. The feet, besides being portions of the body that are peculiarly susceptible of cold, had further to contend against the chafing of the lines which attach them to the snow-shoes, so that special care in their preparation for duty was necessary.

Then, the flight grew lower and the circle narrower, until they were whizzing round and round us, the dry, rustling flap of their huge slate-colored wings filling the air with a volume of sound that made me think of Hendon aerodrome upon a race day. "Make for the wood and keep together," cried Lord John, clubbing his rifle. "The brutes mean mischief."

De Courtenay stepped back, groped for Maren, took her head in his hands, and brought her ear up to his lips. "Rescue!" he breathed; "Ridgar and Dupre. We carry our friend of the fort here. Follow." He loosed her and bent to lift McElroy. With all her courage leaping at the turn, Maren quietly raised the flap and in a moment they were all outside among the sleeping camp.

They left the city at last, and toiled along the limestone road to the Palms, rocking from side to side and sinking in ruts filled with rushing water. When they opened the flap of the hood the rain beat in on them, and when they closed it they stewed in a damp, warm atmosphere of wet leather and horse-hair. "This is worse than a Turkish bath," said Hope, faintly. "Don't you live anywhere, Ted?"

The boys were too busy, however, to pay any heed to the lad, and the Professor was deeply absorbed in his book. "I've got you this time! Tell me you weren't tickling my neck? I'll show you Stacy Brown's not the sleepy head you " The boy paused suddenly and scrambling to all fours turned about on his hands and knees, intently gazing at the flap against which he had been leaning.

His coat and trousers flap against his body, revealing the fact that he is wearing nothing beneath them; his feet are thrust bare into his shoes, and he wears a thick kerchief round his neck. But such a manner and a carriage in a craftsman Pelle has never seen in all his days; and Garibaldi's voice alone is like a bell.

The day was on the wane, and a cooler air came in stronger puffs, and made a view of Epinal, which was fastened to the wall by two pins, flap up and down, the scanty window curtains, which had formerly been white, but were now yellow and covered with fly-specks, looked as if they were going to fly off and seemed to struggle to get away, like the old woman's soul.

As we proceed along the Brühl, the evidences of the traffic become more perceptible. Square sheds of a dingy black hue line one side of the way, and are made in such a manner, that from being more closed boxes at night, they readily become converted into shops in the daytime, by a falling flap in front, which in some cases is adjusted so as to perform the part of a counter.

A ligature was applied to the bleeding vessel, and after it had been gently but carefully cleansed the flap was replaced and held in place with gauze and collodion dressing. A large compress soaked in warm olive oil was then placed over the scalp, covered with oiled silk and with a recurrent bandage.