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G was a gluttonous Goat Who, dining one day, table d'hote, Ordered soup-bone, au fait, And fish, papier-mache, And a filet of Spring overcoat, H was a high-cultured Hound Who could clear forty feet at a bound, And a coon once averred That his howl could be heard For five miles and three-quarters around.

In a half an hour they were seated in an arbor by the lake, where a homely German restaurant offered good cheer. The Lady of the Lake did the honors ceremoniously, and Major Alan Hawke was permitted a cigar after the lake trout, filet, pears, cheese, Chambertin, and black coffee had been discussed.

Her filet, which the butcher had that morning declared he never separated from the contiguous portions for any one, but had very soon afterward cut out for her, lay in the refrigerator, awaiting her pleasure and convenience. The vegetables had been chosen, and her thoughts were now intent upon a "sweet" which should harmonize with the other courses.

"Winter was here. We were exhausted and desperate. There were skirmishes now every day. The famished men could no longer march. Timbuctoo was even getting fatter. He said to me one day: "'You much hungry; me good meat. "And he brought me an excellent filet. But of what? We had no more cattle, nor sheep, nor goats, nor donkeys, nor pigs. It was impossible to get a horse.

"Admirable advice," said Guloseton, toying with a filet mignon de poulet. "Do you remember an example in the Bailly of Suffren, who, being in India, was waited upon by a deputation of natives while he was at dinner.

Every night the chain of each couple is passed round another great chain which is called the filet de ramas. This chain holds all the couples by the feet, and runs along the bottom of the tolard.

While we were waiting for our filet to be prepared Indiman wrote a brief note and had it despatched by messenger; it was addressed, as he showed me, to Madame L. Hernandez, Division Street. "I'm not going to have that booby upset the apple-cart for a second time," he said, savagely. "Now we shall have to wait for at least three days."

Take taxicab and fifty dollars. If you have only fifty dollars the filet of sole Marguery is very good. Brooklyn Bridge. Terrible. And their auction is worse. When you have visited all these places, it will probably be time to take the train to your school.

Try Lobster Newburg, or no, here's a more expensive thing Filet Bourbon a la something. I don't know what it is, but by gad, sir, it's three dollars a portion anyway." "All right," I said. "You order the dinner." Mr.

Old Jack's going to make the Tenderloin look like a hamburg steak." "Explain," says I. "I'm used to joints, but I don't care for filet mignon with the kind of sauce you serve." "'Xcuse me," said the twenty. "Old Jack is the proprietor of this gambling house. He's going on a whiz to-night because he offered $50,000 to a church and it refused to accept it because they said his money was tainted."